TV Out script breaks XV/SDL Video playback.


Sarcasm Dispenser
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
This seems to be the case with Hot-fix 5 and 6 alpha 4.

I've been able to repeat this bug by re-flashing..

On a fresh re-flash.. installed community codec pack.. Videos will play fine on Panplayer, VLC and Gnome-Mplayer with default settings, which I believe is XV or SDL out in the case of VLC.

Run the TV-out script it will cause a blank black screen during playback.. Disabling TV-out, switching modes, rebooting.. battery out, nothing seems to allows it to work with XV/SDL out again.. I know If I switch to X11 it will make it "work" again, but I notice a bit of lag during playback using X11 compared to XV/SDL out.
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Yes, XV/SDL doesn't work yet.

Right I expected it to not work, but I didn't expect it to break the XV/SDL playback when I'm not using my TV out cable.
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