Tv-out.. Mechanical Issue?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Life has been busy so I've not been posting enough, but thought best to ask about this one in case anyone else has had similar issues and found a fix...

Craig sent me a TV-out cable awhile back, to look into repairing OutcaST for the tube; the cable only ever had black output on whichever TVs I tried it on (using SVideo, or using composite with an SVideo->Composite adapter). Jiggling the cable would flicker the TV screen to white for a millisecond, but thats all I coudl get.. black, with occasional white flickers when jiggled.

jr2 sent me a pair of cables that I received last week, figuring one out of the two must be good; the effect is only slightly different -- I get good solid plain black, with no white from jiggling; nice solid feeling connection, but still just black.

In all 3 cables cases, I can see _something_ must be halfway right, since the TV 'flickers' when I hit the GP2X tv out menu, so something is attempting.

o FW 1.2
o Freshly charged or new batteries, doesn't seem to matter
o Connect TV and cable to GP2X; turn on GP2x, wait for menu; in menu, go to settings and tv, hit enable; GP2X screen is turned off, and TV 'flickers' nearly imperceptible but remains black forever.
o The connector only goes on one way (can't put it on upside down as far as I know, so I doubt I'm doing that wrong.)

My assumption now is that it is my GP2X that has a bad EXT connector.

Anything I'm obviously doing wrong?

Any suggestions?

I suppose I could identify which pins are the TV, and see if theres anythign I can do with a multimeter to test it.. but not sure a TV woudl register; no oscilliscope handy :)

Perhaps the case plastic can get in the way and prevents a good solid connection without forcing it hard?

To get mine to work I have to hold it in and push it in and up (or maybe it was down)
TelcoLou posted on Mar 30 2006 at 04:56 PM said:
nubie offered this bit of help:

TV Out fix

What symptoms did he have?

ie: With 3 tv-out cables, I wonder if its really a problem with the cable and not the 2x itself :/

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I believe it was the "I had to hold the connector UP to get a picture on my TV" issue ... which is common from what I've read.

I don't know for sure if it would work for you or not, I still have to get an S-Video to SCART adaptor, so I don't even know if mine works properly or not :huh:

(Oh, and I'm moving this to the Help section, 'cause I'm an ass ;))
3 tv out cables not working, like i said, tried upgrading the firmware?

maybe cause i dont have a guru sticker by my avatar i appear invisible.
skeezix posted on Mar 30 2006 at 02:37 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Mar 30 2006 at 04:56 PM said:
nubie offered this bit of help:

TV Out fix

What symptoms did he have?

ie: With 3 tv-out cables, I wonder if its really a problem with the cable and not the 2x itself :/


I had the problem where nothing would show up until I pushed in and held it straight. (to line it up squarely front to back with the GP2X)

I filed down a bit to engage the pins fully and used the paper to make sure it fit snugly.

I don't know what your unit is suffering from though.
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Skeezix: We're NTSC over here and I think 1.2.X only had PAL support, but I could be mistaken, I know for sure that 1.4.0 allows you to select NTSC or PAL.... try 1.4.0 and see if that helps :)
Invisi-Paradox (and Hooka) -- I'll upgrde and see; it has ntsc selected, but perhaps its ignoring that; even at PAL I'd expect a picture, albeit a big messed up one :)

I'll give it a whirl; if still no go, guess I'll have to sort out which pins do which and find really fine tipped contacts for the multimeter :P

I usally insert mine after I have booted up, and wait to insert it into the tv after turn the tv out on (it would sometimes crash if I did it before).

I use 1.4 and think it would be best if you updated to that, or just wait for 1.5.