TV out for GP2x - tvout file - anyone got it?


Still Fresh
Sep 13, 2018
I used to be on this forum for a log time, under username Bacteria.

I am in the process of doing a modding project with the GP2x F200, and using it with a larger LCD screen (Joytech PS2 Slim 8" screen). I've searched my old programs and cannot find the tv-on / tv-out .gpe file. The link for tvon.gpe doesn't download anymore.

Does anyone still have it with a working link for it please?

I'm wanting my GP2x to boot straight to TV out mode and run MAME.

The F200 has a TV out option on the menu so i'm thinking perhaps there might be another way to make it start in TV out mode from startup?

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I remember you, Bacteria :)
You're an extremely talented hardware modder/hacker. I especially loved all your portable N64's <3

How come you're not going by your Bacteria username anymore?

Btw, I think this person might need your help?
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Thanks for the comments, appreciated.

I'm not modding these days, and rarely visit any forum - life priorities change however I do have a desire to make a handheld arcade system using MAME so thought my old GP2x would be better used than binned.

I use Bacteria and more recently Bacman as forum handles. It was so long ago I was here I lost the login for this site (previous as seems to have changed it's name), and since changed my email addresses, so couldn't log in using old details. No matter.

I found the pinout for the pins for the cable out and also for the PS2 screen. In the interim I connected the GP2x to external TV and it works fine however i've noticed when you run MAME and then load a game the GP2x crashes which is no use.

I'll probably therefore just keep the original small screen and re-house the console as I got the board several years ago with no casing.

Is the TV out problematic? It's not great going into TV mode, I could improve the video quality but no point if the console crashes when it tries to play a game (which works fine using native screen).
[doublepost=1536845644,1536843717][/doublepost]Ok, played with the GP2x more, it seems to crash a fair bit and unstable, even with fresh batteries.

I'll bin this project as there is no point.

Better to get something better.

Thanks anyway, appreciated.