TV-Out Colour Issue


Jun 10, 2009

I have a tv-out cable made by a user on the forums which I am very thankful for! Only problem is the colour is off and I am not sure if it is software or cable issue. It seems a bit weird it would be hardware as I'm pretty sure it is only one connection for the display signal and I am getting a signal.

My reds look pink. I've attached a picture. The background on the pandora should be four colours, the bottom two should be green and blue, but you can only see the green, if that helps at all. Also, you can see the sd card icons pink.

I'm on the newest firmware. Any ideas?


If you have a Composite Cable the pin the cable is soldered to is the Black/White pin for S-Video so the Pandora puts both signals to one pin if you set it to Composite.

If you set it to S-Video you only get B/W but my Pandora had the same problem with my own cable.

I reflashed the OS an everything is now fine again.
Problem solved, turned out to be my avinput. Plugged into a cheap scart adapter > scart socket. Works perfectly. Kudos to Kirkanos!