Tv-out Cable

In case my edit goes unnoticed, anyone know for sure if this is the only cable that works for the pandora? I also noticed that it said 3rd party so that made me really wonder.
I thought of the expensive cable as a different developer fund.

Anyway, I have this question about video-out: Does it always work in "clone mode", or does special output needs to be coded? I know we can have 2 independent images, but I don't know if "clone mode" is "free".
Hi, can someonw close to the project put us out of our misery, is the TV port Generic (i.e- standered AV cable will work) or is it custom?
shade said:
Hi, can someonw close to the project put us out of our misery, is the TV port Generic (i.e- standered AV cable will work) or is it custom?
Better yet, just give me the documentation on the cable and exactly what type of connector it is and I'll make my own. I have enough friends that order parts from mouser on occasion to split some shipping costs with them and you guys did promise us full documentation on the hardware and pins.
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Kloplop321 said:
PoisonedV said:
3rd party, which means its probably generic and your gp2x cable would work.
I came here after the gp2x era

i was just saying that in general not specifically to anyone
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xernobyl said:
Anyway, I have this question about video-out: Does it always work in "clone mode", or does special output needs to be coded? I know we can have 2 independent images, but I don't know if "clone mode" is "free".

Edit: Missed the bold part, so my answer is sort of a duplicate, though it might still answer your question, depending on what you mean by "free".

No doubt that's software-controlled, so that the emulators and whatnot can output their own image to the TV while keeping a separate one on the console.

If I recall correctly... may not. ;)
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PoisonedV said:
3rd party, which means its probably generic and your gp2x cable would work.
Or that Craigix gave the pin outs to a 3rd party and got them to design a cable :)
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I understand that the EXT port that contains the TV-out pins also supports things like audio line in and line out. Is this also provided by the TV-out cable being sold on It would be nice if we could get the complete breakout cable somewhere.
I bought the cable even though I don't think I'll be using it as much but just to support craig. Also bought the case but not sure if I'll be using it after I mod my external HD to the bottom of the Pandora. I'll just keep it as a collector's item.
If the cable is already used by some relatively popular product, it can probably be acquired for a small price on eBay.
Waiting for confirmation. As much as I'd like to support the OpenPandora team, $20 is too much for that kind of cable, I think I have a cable like that from an old camera.
I'm surprised this many people want S-Video support. TV-Out would be cool, but I haven't had an S-Video capable device for years. I guess I could get a converter, but then I realize I intend to use this as a portable device.
I too, thought of it as an alternate dev fund. I think most of us are aware of the high markups on cables and connectors, and I honestly don't mind the extra profits going to a project I support. Compared to what I've seen in the past, $19.99 isn't all that bad anyway.

I worked in retail computer sales about 10 years ago, and got to see firsthand just how cheap cables really are compared to what is charged for them. And that's not even counting when you make your own. Back then, 1394/FireWire technology was relatively new, and with that we stocked the most overpriced cable I'd ever seen: a 4 foot long, gold plated abomination priced at a whopping $89.99. :blink: That wasn't the disturbing part though... Our cost? Just under $2.99.