Serial Porter
Here is Turres Monacorum, a small Tower Defense game write in Löve.
This one use shader, so I ported it to GLES2.
After many tests and removal of shader / effects, I got this game to run on Gigahertz and Rebirth, but, as often now, not on CC model.
/!\ This game doesn't run on CC model /!\
/!\ This game need latest SGX Driver to run correctly /!\
The game can be played with key number (1-3 to select towers), DPad (to mode the map) and touch screen (to place turret). The game is short (unfinished)...
History log
build 01

This one use shader, so I ported it to GLES2.
After many tests and removal of shader / effects, I got this game to run on Gigahertz and Rebirth, but, as often now, not on CC model.
/!\ This game doesn't run on CC model /!\
/!\ This game need latest SGX Driver to run correctly /!\
The game can be played with key number (1-3 to select towers), DPad (to mode the map) and touch screen (to place turret). The game is short (unfinished)...
History log
build 01
- Initial build