Trouble With Audio


Jun 22, 2004
Houston, Texas
I am trying to convert some of those hilarious GI Joe PSAs in VDub, from mpgs, and the audio just won't come out right. I know my mp3 encoder is fine, cuz I just encoded a Linux and Starbucks commercial with it. I have tried many different bitrates, and even tried exporting audio to a wav, then re importing it and converting, but same thing. All I get is static, sometimes I can make out voices, but nothing bearable. Has anyone gotten these converted? Or ran into this problem?

Thnx, Protoss
Make sure the audio is at 11025 Hz or a multiple ie 22050 Hz or 44100 Hz. It won't work with GPcinema otherwise.
I've tried all formats. Clips of a show are PD right? If it is, could some people put up some Family Guy and other hilarious clips on GPTheatre? It would be sweet to have some of those clips on my GP. This Site has loads of Family Guy clips. I have gotten some, but am not good at converting. Anyone willing?
Protoss posted on Sep 24 2004 at 04:35 PM said:
I've tried all formats. Clips of a show are PD right? If it is at could some people put up some Family Guy and other hilarious clips on GPTheatre? It would be sweet to have some of those clips on my GP. This Site has loads of Family Guy clips. I have gotten some, but am not good at converting. Anyone willing?

I don't think that clips would be ok, since you could have an entire episode minus the first second and that would technically be a clip. If there is some kind of rule out there that says clips are ok, I can.
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