Tricorder what?


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
Just reading the news on Wired i saw this

But im not sure what it even is exactly ... I dont watch Star Trek but i see its based on some device from that show.

It's a Linux thing so figured some of you probably been following it over its years.

Am i right in thinking its an instrument aimed at scientists and medical types, which can monitor/record a whole load of data using its sensors?

Is it doing stuff that other devices/instruments already do, but this is like a few of the best all rolled into one nifty handheld tool?

I think he has a little comp going on too if any of you want to flex your skills, to build a medical tricorder -- the main page has what looks like a button to this but on click it doesnt link anywhere
Meh .. Pandora is one (or two) USB-devices away from being a shipping Tricorder ..
nice one, that single sentence on the wiki makes it clear.

Nice prize Qualcomm offering up there too,
