

Active Member
Sep 11, 2008
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I got transmission working by installing both the client,docs,gui and main transmission files,you need to update before installing the gui at the end.The main issue with transmission is the same issue i had when i was running stuff off of an sd card or flashdrive,transmission does not update to show the speed of transfers and freezes most of the time but even tho it looks like its not working it is in fact working,if you check your file size from time to time you will see it go up and it can go up fast so it does work its just slow because its busy writing to sd memory.

Also,transmission will write the entire file before downloading so if you are downloading say .. ubuntu iso at 700mb before transmission will download it, it will write 700mb of data then it will fill it by downloading,it normaly will take about 5mins to create such a file of 700mb,then when it starts to download you will see it working in the transmission window but it can lockup at times but it is downloading.

Anyway just to let you know there is a way of downloading torrents right now on the pandora,i hope for a lighter torrent client in the future.

Install notes

install transmission
install transmission-client
gives mount error
install transmission-docs
install transmission-gui

should be in the network list
Paddy, I think the Beta Testing section is for packaged PNDs and developers software. This would probably be better in Software Hacking?

Cool that you got Transmission working though. Thanks for telling us!
Done :) - Also, what exactly is Transmission in this context? Sounds like a bittorrent client, but it's not something I've heard of...
form my experience just
sudo opkg install transmission-gui
is enough, and saves nand space...

It's not a frontend but a different compile with GUI enabled :)
GizmoTheGreen said:
form my experience just
sudo opkg install transmission-gui
is enough, and saves nand space...

It's not a frontend but a different compile with GUI enabled :)
This is my experience too! It was the first torrent client I tried and it worked nicely. But I'd like to try rtorrent & ctorrent when I get my pandy back.
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