Release Transmission released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
sebt3 packaged up Transmission, a Bittorrent client.


Now you can download Torrents with your Pandora.

Download: Transmission

Official Website:
Great news! Hopefully someone will port rtorrent, that is my favorite torrent client.
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Really llokign forward to get all wi fi driver issues fixed, it is a pain in the a$$ to download any files that are over 5 MB :(
Really llokign forward to get all wi fi driver issues fixed, it is a pain in the a$$ to download any files that are over 5 MB :(

At 100 KB/s a 5MB file will be downloaded in under a minute.

With a belkin N+ router I'm getting over 150KB/s using Transmission, no great shakes compared to the desktop but good enough to fill a 4GB card if left overnight.

Good enough for a handheld IMHO. :)
Transmission's a great torrent program and will be seriously useful on the Pandora for quick downloads. Personally though I'd still use a desktop machine with a wired connection for downloading anything like a film or full CD/DVD image. Constantly downloading large files on the Pandora is a sure way to kill your battery life :)
Sorry, 20 days late, but eh.

Open up a port for it (port 31337 or something, remember to configure transmission!) and it'll work good.

NOTE: If you're doing illegal stuff you should use random port with UPnP(UPnP is a bit of a security risk, don't have that enabled if you run servers you care about). You should also change your peer settings to "encrypted only". Then, it's pretty hard to tell you're torrenting, unless they're watching your HTTP traffic. Tor anyone? (Why am I suggesting illegal stuff (especially on Tor, that's bad, people need that network for legit stuff!)? ...please don't ban me!). As a side note I don't torrent illegal stuff, with the exception of some music (_VERY_ rare) that either a) cannot be bought, I do search! B) I'll buy later, if it's any good or c) The owner doesn't care (as is the case with Machinae Supremacy, my fav band ;) . You should buy their CDs tho, I will when I got ca$h ;) ).