Transferring Powerpoint Presentations


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Okay, here's the situation: I have the latest version of PowerPoint and I have a presentation with certain animations and transitions. I want to use that presentation on a computer that has an older version of PowerPoint. How can I use my presentation on the other computer that has the older version of PowerPoint without losing my transitions and animations? I tried directly transferring it over (I had a 1 slide sample that had the animations I wanted) on a cd but when I tried it on the computer all the animations were gone. So, how can I go about doing this without installing something on the other computer? Thanks.

Unfortunately the custom animations Powerpoint XP and up use, are unique to those applications as far as I know. The changes were pretty radical, going from a simple "one animation per object, in order" thing to the crazy timeline and all sorts of extra animations that can happen at once. So in other words too much is different.

You said you didn't want to/couldn't install something, but Powerpoint Viewer would work.
Vimacs posted on Dec 16 2004 at 09:42 PM said:
if you only want to view them isnt it able to export as gif, avi?

I doubt it. Probably .wmv or .asf as its a m$ product.

[Waits for swisscheeseman] :P

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