Transfer APK's to android via SD?


Still Fresh
Dec 22, 2013
Hi there,

Unfortunately, I'm unable to achieve a reliable wifi connection through Android gingerbread on the Pandora, hence it's hard for me to actually get anything running on it. I've attempted to simply download the apk files of various apps I'd like to use from sites directly, but they crash as soon as I open them. Is this because there's some default setting on the OS to not allow un-certified apps? If so, how can I obtain the certified apks from my phone, and transfer them onto an SD card for Android on the Pandora?

Any help would be appreciated :)
I do this by copying the files into my /appdata/android_gingerbread/system/etc/apk (I created the folder), then within Android, you can use the filebrowser to go to /system/etc/apk and select your APKs

Note: IIRC, you require sudo on creating the apk folder and copying files
Don't know if it applies to the Pandora's Gingerbread - but settings/security has an option to allow apk installation from other sources. Make sure that's checked.

As ZXDunny said - you also have to "unmount" the SD card (which is why I ended up copying the APKs into the appdata folder