Serial Porter
Here is Trackballs, an opensource clone of Marble Madness
The game is fully functional, and there is even a level editor include. It has been ported with glshim.
Note that it may be e little slow, depending on the level, especially on a CC, so don't hesitate to change settings and lower graphic details.
It is playable with mouse or DPad. Also, {X} is equivalent to Space, and {B} to Enter in-game.
History log
Build 01

The game is fully functional, and there is even a level editor include. It has been ported with glshim.
Note that it may be e little slow, depending on the level, especially on a CC, so don't hesitate to change settings and lower graphic details.
It is playable with mouse or DPad. Also, {X} is equivalent to Space, and {B} to Enter in-game.
History log
Build 01
- Initial build
- Adapted screenres and input to Pandora