Touchscreen? What For?

You could use it to make a game that's all about touching up ladies.
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'TheGoodDoktor' said:
You could use it to make a game that's all about touching up ladies.
Theres like 5 games like that on the DS. They're actually pretty fun.
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5? at last count I only found 2 and they're pretty tough to play without a translation.

I might consider making one for the Pand if i had some programing experience. (hey, maybe someone will get a nice simple AVG engine up and running so more pointnclick games will be possible.)
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'jakewastaken' said:
I don't see how it's relevant, since Rapelay isn't touchscreen and would function horribly with it, and something awful hasn't been funny... oh, that's right, ever. As far as 3D hentai games go, being an Illusion game it has the same high production values and nice graphics as their other ones, and one of the most sensible gameplay systems. Still, 3D hentai games are lacking behind both real hentai and real games...
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I was being completely serious.

Yep, no doubt about it.

How is a facetious post about a molestation game in the middle of your fucking creepy hentai game discussion about "touching up ladies" not relevant?
'jakewastaken' said:
I was being completely serious.

Yep, no doubt about it.
How is a facetious post about a molestation game in the middle of your fucking creepy hentai game discussion about "touching up ladies" not relevant?

Oh, I'm sorry sir! Did I offend you? ON THE INTERNET?!
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Of course he's a goon he knows what Raplay is... but then again so did you... :P (j/k it's sad that we need to say j/k but it IS the internet, which is serious buisness.)

All kidding aside, touch screen would be great for pointnclick style games whether they're hentai games or more palletable adventures that have a similar interface.
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'jakewastaken' said:
I was being completely serious.

Yep, no doubt about it.

How is a facetious post about a molestation game in the middle of your fucking creepy hentai game discussion about "touching up ladies" not relevant?
I was actually talking about a game where you have to touch up pictures of ladies to make them better looking (like they do with magazines). The game would be similar to a simplified version of photoshop except you get scored on how well you improve their appearance.
The difficulty progression will work by presenting you with increasingly ugly women, towards the end you'll get some right munters.
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Photoshop, the video game? is that a Mac port? :) (j/k again.)

Interesting concept but I stagger at the thought of what kind of mutants you;d have to look at in a game like that!
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'Alpha2' said:
Photoshop, the video game?

Damn, working around the forum bugs is getting irritating.
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Hahaha! Remember that one Penny Arcade strip that was really funny?

I don't.
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