Touch Screen On My F200


Still Fresh
May 14, 2008
Manchester, UK
I have 2 F200 here and am very happy with them expect for one thing, one of them the touch screen seems to work pefectly while the other is not very reactive at all. I have to hold it down for ages sometimes before it does anything.

I think i have found a calibration screen in the setup the instructions dont appear to be in english though and no matter what I try its still not reactive or goes in the wrong position.

Is my screen broken or can anyone help in calibrating it and/or setting click speed or something.


Thanks for the very quick reply. I dont have them with me right now so can't check, they are both new though and I think if I remember correctly they are on 4.0.2 I'll check tonight though when I get home from work.
Hey, I'm just had chance to take a look at them both and they are both running on 4.0.0. So not sure if its the firmware, and I'm a little worried about updating it at them moment.

Is it something to do with this screen in settings, when i mess with that for a while it gets slightly better, not sure though.

Any help would be really great. :)
Hold off from updating the firmware. The firmware v4.1.0 screws up the touchscreen compatibility for all the homebrew stuff.

Well you could try calibrating the touchscreen again in the LCD option in the Settings. The Korean text basically just says to press the white boxes that appear on-screen.
Ah right, thats what I guessed, it seems to get a little better when I do that, do you just press the 2 dots, is there are speed to it or something you have to do it to how sensitive it is.

Its really weird, because on that settings screen the touch screen works perfect and reacts right away to clicks. Ill have another go with that tonight though.

Yeah thats what I was worried about really with the firmware from reading the forums here. Mainly only want it for scumm support.
culturepunk said:
Ah right, thats what I guessed, it seems to get a little better when I do that, do you just press the 2 dots, is there are speed to it or something you have to do it to how sensitive it is.

Nah .. just press on the dots when they appear. It does sound to me like one of the units has a bad touch screen. I'd return that one. ..If it's behaving differently with the system apps and touch screen there's something up IMHO. (With my F200 the calibration screen gives feedback almost instantly .. and it was only in 4.1.0 firmware that they finally translated it to english. Guess that was a very recent application.) :)

Note: It seems the Firmware 4.0.2 and 4.1.0 updates should only be used on the F200 units that shipped with 4.0.2 firmware. Those have a different screen. The touch screen on the F200[a]'s goes weird with the new firmware.
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Ah right still not working. I think mine is the [a] one as it has 4.0.0 on it.

It seems rather strange the results I'm having, this on on just default menus as well, sometimes after calibration its slightly better then sometimes not. Hmm it reacts right away on that screen though.

Not sure what to do. Reluctant to send it back ATM, took 4 weeks for me to get it. :( Anyone any ideas before I do.
TKO said:
Note: It seems the Firmware 4.0.2 and 4.1.0 updates should only be used on the F200[b ] units that shipped with 4.0.2 firmware. Those have a different screen. The touch screen on the F200[a]'s goes weird with the new firmware.
I don't think there is such a thing as a F-200(A)... My unit is labelled as F-200( B ), yet it has FW v4.0.0 in it. I got mine from the early (possibly the first) batch of F-200s way back in early November.

@culturepunk: There could be something wrong with the unit. Is the touchscreen the only thing not working properly? How bad is it?
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Manjuu said:
TKO said:
Note: It seems the Firmware 4.0.2 and 4.1.0 updates should only be used on the F200[b ] units that shipped with 4.0.2 firmware. Those have a different screen. The touch screen on the F200[a]'s goes weird with the new firmware.
I don't think there is such a thing as a F-200(A)... My unit is labelled as F-200( B ), yet it has FW v4.0.0 in it. I got mine from the early (possibly the first) batch of F-200s way back in early November.

@culturepunk: There could be something wrong with the unit. Is the touchscreen the only thing not working properly? How bad is it?

Yeah your right i think, mine is labeled GPX-GP2X-F200( B )

No everything else is working completely fine on it, got loads of emulators on there now and payback and stuff.

The screen seems to be working, but its just very no reactive, sometimes it will accept the click sometimes not. Its kinda unusable though and frustrating, seems to kinda go on and off.

Thanks for your help everyone, anyone any other ideas?
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