Torvalds Warns the World: Don't Use the Linux 5.12-rc1 Kernel


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010
Not 5.12-rc1. I don't think so. I don't know really, but I trust everyone here not to ship that.
If you open a terminal and type
uname -r
it will tell you what version you have.
5.6.19 according to my pyra
Then you're safe. But you'd be safe even with 5.12-rc1 if you don't use a swapfile, which may have some uses, but most people don't use. Unless I'm not up to date with the issue, which might also be the case.
if you don't use a swapfile, which may have some uses, but most people don't use.
I'm not sure about that. I always felt I was in a minority not to have a swap partition or even regularly use a swap file. I do have a swap file on both of my current machines, but I need to swapon it if I ever need it (which thus far I hardly ever have done)
I'm not sure about that. I always felt I was in a minority not to have a swap partition or even regularly use a swap file. I do have a swap file on both of my current machines, but I need to swapon it if I ever need it (which thus far I hardly ever have done)
Well, I just meant I'm not aware of distros or systems shipping with swapfiles by default. I have the notion (without any data to back it) that devices or distros will either use swap partitions or no swap at all. I guessed most users don't customize that, but I might be wrong there. I didn't mean swapfiles are wrong or anything.
Most distro installers, at least the last time I used one, ask you for how much of a swap partition you want to create. Having researched the issue beforehand, I never created a swap partition, but I have generally reserved enough space for a swap file (the same size as the RAM in my machine I generally go for). But if I wasn't familiar with the setting beforehand, I might have created a partition, and thus the installer will usually enable it.

Edit: I guess on Pyra nobody's actually running the test kernels on real user hardware. Beware even though Hns published them, most of us notice if it's an rc kernel or not.
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I wasn't aware that Linus even still developed Linux. I thought he handed control of it over to someone else.
I think he took a temporary leave some time ago ? But he's coordinating releases as always. Not writing code himself any often, but choosing what contributions get released, with the help of a few lieutenants. There are many subsystem maintainers and they work with some hierarchical trust, but Linus at top keeps an eye on things and has ultimate veto on what gets posted in He hasn't gone anywhere. And I believe he gets paid for it, but I no longer remember by whom. Linux Foundation ?
Swap files are a hazard to begin with, everyone should be aware of it.
Even more, dont even have your swap on your main harddrive as partition.
SSDs costs like 20 bucks now, just grab one and dedicate it entirely for this purpose.
Using the same disk for it makes as much sense as using a roaster to plough a field.
Needing swap on a laptop? Dafuck is even wrong with you?
Most ppl arent asked, ubuntu creates a swap on install without request or consent and no you can not just avoid it by doing partitions manually.
Literally fuming on this.
Old joke.
Aaand i used ponyos just a week ago.
But i could not get it to work with my keyboard layout so its a pita.
Also the only ponything there is the wallpaper.
Eh, good one, but when i try to use the terminal i get vgjähdä L KDKSLÄ