Serial Porter
Here is Torus Trooper, an abstract Shoot'em up from ABA Games
The games is developped in D lang and use OpenGL (using gl4es on the Pandora).
The game speed is correct on Gigahertz, but a bit slowish on Rebirth model. Unfortunatly, it's incompatible with CC model.
/!\ This game is not compatible with CC model and will freeze after less than a minute /!\
A video of the Gameplay on a Gigahertz Pandora from @ingoreis
History log
Build 01
Source code are inside the PND.

The games is developped in D lang and use OpenGL (using gl4es on the Pandora).
The game speed is correct on Gigahertz, but a bit slowish on Rebirth model. Unfortunatly, it's incompatible with CC model.
/!\ This game is not compatible with CC model and will freeze after less than a minute /!\
A video of the Gameplay on a Gigahertz Pandora from @ingoreis
History log
Build 01
- Initial build
- Pandora customization
Source code are inside the PND.