toronto - swap psv and uncharted for pandora

Aug 15, 2011
Bristol, England
My psv broke today so returned it. Wasnt allowed a refund so its newly boxed.

comes with uncharted and 4gb memory card.

Edit: Just checked price wow - I also have a iControlpad and $150 for the deal
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A good deal?

A PSP Vita is $250 new, and the game is what .. $50 or whatever.

A Pandora is a lot more than that (and of courses rarer and so on.) So..... how is this a good deal? Sounds like a dreadful deal to me?

Some important questions you should answer:

1) where in the world are you?

2) Why didn't they accept a refund? Its policy in many countries that they do.

It's in the title:

"toronto - swap psv and uncharted for pandora"
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2) Why didn't they accept a refund? Its policy in many countries that they do.
Probably because it was opened. Most game stores have a policy of not accepting opened product for refund whether it is hardware or software. Stupid policy.
Is stupid, since at least some meddling occurs upstream.

Twice in the same month I bought games that, when opened, had the wrong (and scratched to hell) discs inside the package .. someone upstream at factory fucked with them, or else the store did and resealed them; but of coruse, opening them up, they wouldnm't take back the goods since they said _I_ was the cul;prit. (This is where it helps to raise your volume level and freak out to make a stink .. like we go around making a living weith little scams like that? :/) -- eventually I got them to concede, and now I open my games inside the store when I buy them, lame as it sounds :/

Customer service > all, except for weirdo edge cases where someone _is_ running a scam (14 year olds with too much time.) Easy .. let >18 year olds do it, young kids need their parents. Adults signing off on returns. Problem solved? :/


I also had a DVD pack I bought ("Sliders" ;) , had like 10 discs in it or something.. but some of the discs were repeats; I swapped it at the store, also repeats.. obviously a problem upstream at packaging; but being opened by me, they made it hell to do anything with.. its like the stores never see problems upstrea, so they assume the consumer is the problem? Thats backwards no?

But yeah, no bad luck since then.. those 3 were all around same time, different stores :p
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