Tonight With Trevor Mcdonald: Video Game Violence

Yeah! They were using people/cars for target practice with their fathers two shot guns. WTF were they doing with their fathers shot guns anyway. Why did he have them in the first place and why the fuck were they not locked away. :blink:

The silly bitch mother was say to other parents "please go through the games yourself to make sure of the content" As if it was the fucking games that were taking pot shots at the cars/people and not their sons WITH THEIR DADS SHOT GUNS, hello,

The show of course is long over, but I'm amazed they didn't mention MS Flight Simulator's role in the training of terrorists.

Not that its directly violent, but if they're mentioning Halo for the Washington Sniper (which is shite since, quite apart from military training, there's no real recoil, scope adjustments, re-calibrations due to building vibration, etc. in any game that I know of - bullets always use simple straight-line physical motion) then that ought to get a look in.

Why do people so often take a shot at games?
Lucky they were playing gta and not some game liek c&c coz if they were playin that maybe they would go get there dads nukes and start firing them at peole that could have been alot worse. I remember my friend eating mushrooms I knew i should never have let him play mario bros next thing you kno whe will be jumping on turtles and trying to go through pipes and stuf :huh: playing...lawn long.....BOB AND THE AMAZING MOWER....AAGGHHHH
didnt see the show....but its always the same story, something bad happens and if they cant find a logical reason why it should off...blame a game.

cant say ive heard of any olympic sprinters being influenced by plaing sonic the hedgehog.
didnt see the show....but its always the same story, something bad happens and if they cant find a logical reason why it should off...blame a game.

cant say ive heard of any olympic sprinters being influenced by plaing sonic the hedgehog.

True, But then that would give computer games a positive image, Would`nt it and they don`t want that now do they. ;)

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TBH I thought the program was rightly putting more of the blame on the Parents for allowing kids to play the games and the retail outlets for selling the games to kids.

As the guy from the games industry said. The average gamer in the UK is 26 so there is a legitimate audience for these games. He went on to say that parents needed to be more responsible and shops needed to take the 18 certificate seriously.

There are differences in kids too. I used to watch Buffy with my two daughters when they were younger. The eldest then 9 would hide behind a cusion when the bad guys appeared but the youngest aged 4 would love it.

Parents need to know their own kids. It may be fine to let one 14 year old play GTA but another might find it disturbing or be affected by it. The parents need to know their kids limits and if they don't then don't let them play the 18 rated games.
I'm surprised you guys are even giving the programme space on this forum - it's total sensationalism... I can't believe a few months ago they ran a show stating that breast feeding babies was dangerous to the baby! I would be ashamed if I was Trevor McDonought...
Really, a pity I couldn't watch this program, being in Germany and all ;) However, there is one thing about video games and violence I will never forget: There was a show about violence in video games which ended in a "debate" - you know, true/untrue. The debate was between an elderly man from some organisation I have never heard before and a CS clan leader, if I recall correctly. Let me quote this one pice that impressed me most :D

Clan leader (PRO): We don't think video games will make people violent. I for example am pretty sensitive it seems.
elderly man (CON): We also do call these games "murder simulation games". It makes people kill each other.
PRO: I don't think you are quite right with that. It does not make anyone kill anyone. It is a sport, a contest so to say.
CON: It's a murder simulation. You kill people.
PRO: Actually you don`t kill anybody. It is just a game. It's like football, it's a game, a contest in which you pit your skill against your friends' skill. The form it takes might not be suitable for young children, but it is nothing more than a sport nevertheless.
CON: We like to call it "murder simulation game".

I like those debates, always makes me feel superior :D
Theres this lawyer in America who likes to take games companies to court, he was the one who invented the Halo thing.

Right now he is sueing Rockstar for making a murder simulator.
isn't it funny how the people against the game can't say anything excepet tha it is a "murder simulation"? but the person defending the game adapts to each question and points out reasons. :) :lol:
Usually people who are against games are the type that it is impossable to argue with, because they don't accept any valid point, but take their own opinions as the word of god.
Meh, parents try to control everything their kids are watching or playing - it's just innocent desire to save them from 'corruption' and they are oblivious to how stupid their actions can often be. It'll happen to YOU someday.