To whoever tried to recover my password....


People always seem to make their grilled cheese sandwiches with Cheddar or American cheese, but pepper jack makes for a more exciting sandwich.
I smoked a eighth of cheese last night, it's lovely tasty, yum
People always seem to make their grilled cheese sandwiches with Cheddar or American cheese, but pepper jack makes for a more exciting sandwich.

or if you're not american, you make your toasties with wensleydale and brie

...and ketchup, ham, bacon and chicken
I need to go shopping with a cheese afficianado. I bought some brie, but it ended up tasting like stagnant sinkwater. Also, I made a cheesesteak last week (with colbyjack, not brie). It was amazing.

P.S. My hometown has a cheese named after it.
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Oh my god, Gerix lives in Pasteurised Cheese Food With Jalapeño Flavouring-ville!
It's not a well known fact but Britain actually has more sorts of cheese than France.
People always seem to make their grilled cheese sandwiches with Cheddar or American cheese, but pepper jack makes for a more exciting sandwich.
you and i have just became great friends, all my grilled cheese sandwiches include pepper jack cheese, and at least 4 slices of Vlasic jalapeños. and btw, the jalapeño is gods gifted plant to me, even tops the infamous tetra hydro cannabinol one

You children have missguided yourself from seeing what's real and important

So here you have some fine, and humerous facts about norway:


It’s illegal in Norway to buy sex, but not to sell sex. That means that a female prostitute will not be prosecuted for selling sex, but a male customer will.

Satanic rockers.

Satanic rockers torched several churches in Norway in the early 90’s. All in all 7 churches burned to the ground in these attacks.

Doom and Gloom.

The Norwegian Government spent US$ 7 million on the construction of a doomsday vault (seed vault) on the arctic island of Svalbard. The purpose of the doomsday vault is to preserve plants seeds from around the world in case some of them should become extinct.


Most Norwegians think it is odd when someone start talking or smiling to them on the bus.

Princess Martha Louise.

In 2007 Princess Martha Louise started a private school in Oslo, Astarte education. Some of the subjects on the curriculum are ‘Healing’ and ‘Reading’. She also teaches student to communicate with angles.
