

Deep avatar
Oct 12, 2010
You know, the real problem with having such a long time between Pandora production runs is that file hosting for essential software runs out.

Anyone know where I can get a copy of the timidity installer pnd? Or even just a .cfg and instrument files with instructions for installation? prBoom is curiously silent without it :(

You know, the real problem with having such a long time between Pandora production runs is that file hosting for essential software runs out.

Anyone know where I can get a copy of the timidity installer pnd? Or even just a .cfg and instrument files with instructions for installation? prBoom is curiously silent without it :(


I'll revive this, someday or an other ;)
I'll revive this, someday or an other ;)

I downloaded the tarball and extracted it to the appropriate places - doom and duke now play music. It should either be in the community codec pack, or part of the firmware. ED thinks differently, but he's wrong.

I downloaded the tarball and extracted it to the appropriate places - doom and duke now play music. It should either be in the community codec pack, or part of the firmware. ED thinks differently, but he's wrong.


Thats one solution, but now with sdcard paths now being static its possible to setup timidity from a sdcard.
Craig -- we've documented our approach, so the better answer is --

There will be n installer pnd, where the user can set it into NAND or to an SD card of his choice, and also have a remove option.

At some longer term day we'll have a pnd that implicitly mounts it into somewhere (say NAND), or some voodoo, but we've not really nailed down how best to approach the idea of 'extending the system with shared libs from pnd files' (given the nature of limited NAND and removable media, it does complicate things.)

So yes, we all agree, but we're sort of waiting on sebt3 to do it for some reason :)

There will be n installer pnd, where the user can set it into NAND or to an SD card of his choice, and also have a remove option.

It should be part of the codec pack at the very least (that way it's not taking up NAND while the user decides what to do with it). By all means ask the user where it should go, but it is an essential part of the pandora - it's a games machine after all! So many older games use MIDI, and their ports will do so too - Timidity is the best solution.

Yeah, part of codec pack might be cool down the road (option to have it or skip it); Timidity can be _huge_ is one trick -- you cn use small soundfonts, or medium or huge, with different instrument assdortments etc. MAny good soundfonts are copyrighted etc (such as those pulled out of soundblasters and so on.)

I think sebt3 is working on a package (or one of us will do it) to do .. install one of (say) 3 sets (sondfont size) and the uninstall option, but people could go nuts, hence why its not included in NAND by default. But codec pack might make sense..

So we'll make a installer/uninstaller pnd ASAP and get it up and see about doing it into codec pack if ED wants to soon, or maybe for next hotfix release, or next firmware bump, etc.

I think sebt3 is working on a package (or one of us will do it) to do .. install one of (say) 3 sets (sondfont size) and the uninstall option, but people could go nuts, hence why its not included in NAND by default. But codec pack might make sense..
I've done my part, see here.
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I think sebt3 is working on a package (or one of us will do it) to do .. install one of (say) 3 sets (sondfont size) and the uninstall option, but people could go nuts, hence why its not included in NAND by default. But codec pack might make sense..
I've done my part, see here.
I've installed Timidity to the NAND, but when I type timidity at the commandline, nothing happens. How do I remove it and reclaim my space?
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I think sebt3 is working on a package (or one of us will do it) to do .. install one of (say) 3 sets (sondfont size) and the uninstall option, but people could go nuts, hence why its not included in NAND by default. But codec pack might make sense..
I've done my part, see here.
I've installed Timidity to the NAND, but when I type timidity at the commandline, nothing happens. How do I remove it and reclaim my space?

Timidity can't be run from the command line. AFAIK, Timidity can't be "run" at all.

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I think sebt3 is working on a package (or one of us will do it) to do .. install one of (say) 3 sets (sondfont size) and the uninstall option, but people could go nuts, hence why its not included in NAND by default. But codec pack might make sense..
I've done my part, see here.
I've installed Timidity to the NAND, but when I type timidity at the commandline, nothing happens. How do I remove it and reclaim my space?

Timidity can't be run from the command line. AFAIK, Timidity can't be "run" at all.

What!? But it runs on my laptop fine!
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I think sebt3 is working on a package (or one of us will do it) to do .. install one of (say) 3 sets (sondfont size) and the uninstall option, but people could go nuts, hence why its not included in NAND by default. But codec pack might make sense..
I've done my part, see here.
I've installed Timidity to the NAND, but when I type timidity at the commandline, nothing happens. How do I remove it and reclaim my space?

Timidity can't be run from the command line. AFAIK, Timidity can't be "run" at all.

What!? But it runs on my laptop fine!

And on my Pandora :-p

I start Doom, I get music. Ta-da! I remove Timidity, and Doom no longer has any music. Boo. I start Duke Nukem 3D...

You see where I'm going with this?

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I think sebt3 is working on a package (or one of us will do it) to do .. install one of (say) 3 sets (sondfont size) and the uninstall option, but people could go nuts, hence why its not included in NAND by default. But codec pack might make sense..
I've done my part, see here.
I've installed Timidity to the NAND, but when I type timidity at the commandline, nothing happens. How do I remove it and reclaim my space?
that pack is only for games that use midi. It does'nt contain the timidity frontend (graphical or command-line).

If you want to uninstall, restart the installer, it will have an option to uninstall ;)
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I think sebt3 is working on a package (or one of us will do it) to do .. install one of (say) 3 sets (sondfont size) and the uninstall option, but people could go nuts, hence why its not included in NAND by default. But codec pack might make sense..
I've done my part, see here.
I've installed Timidity to the NAND, but when I type timidity at the commandline, nothing happens. How do I remove it and reclaim my space?
that pack is only for games that use midi. It does'nt contain the timidity frontend (graphical or command-line).

If you want to uninstall, restart the installer, it will have an option to uninstall ;)
:( But... I want to listen to midi files.
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