Time To Rejoyce? N64 Goldeneye!?

DaveC said:
I don't know but it seems that N64 on the Pandora is a dissapointment. I know it is early but it is sounding more and more like N64 will be to Pandora as PSX was to Wiz, barely playable and for only a few games. I mean playing games with no sound, just to be honest, sucks. I guess the Pandora SoC is just not quite powerful enough to pull it off. I am hoping at least PSX will be much more doable.

That's a pretty harsh thing to say to a WIP emulator. At least for the sound, I think they are waiting until they can code for the DSP, moving the workload off the CPU.
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DaveC said:
I don't know but it seems that N64 on the Pandora is a dissapointment. I know it is early but it is sounding more and more like N64 will be to Pandora as PSX was to Wiz, barely playable and for only a few games. I mean playing games with no sound, just to be honest, sucks. I guess the Pandora SoC is just not quite powerful enough to pull it off. I am hoping at least PSX will be much more doable.

That is a very rough comment.
The emulator ain't even out of a Beta stage, yet.
Ari64 does not even have a Pandora. The video's we have are done by Craig/MWeston. I'm sure once the Pandora hits mainstream it will be tweaked and tuned well.

ZODTTD is using Ari64's Mupen for the iPhone N64 emulator - That has sound working with games.

It makes no difference if it can play all games, or just one game - This is the work of just a small handful of people (Ari mostly and adventus).

PSX should be flawless.

borgqueenx said:
Ari64 said:
Goldeneye is a very difficult game to emulate correctly. In addition to putting all its code in virtual memory, it also disables interrupts a lot, which was causing the emulator to lose interrupts. This problem should be fixed in the latest version.
i just hope perfect dark will run fine :D

Hey Borg: why not just hope that Goldeneye runs!?
Ari said it's "Running" there was no mention of playable.
Who cares if it does not. The fact that anything is running is great.
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Yeah, to say the system isn't even out yet and some games are running pretty well, I'd say it's fantastic so far.
DaveC said:
I don't know but it seems that N64 on the Pandora is a dissapointment. I know it is early but it is sounding more and more like N64 will be to Pandora as PSX was to Wiz, barely playable and for only a few games. I mean playing games with no sound, just to be honest, sucks. I guess the Pandora SoC is just not quite powerful enough to pull it off. I am hoping at least PSX will be much more doable.

Ari, keep on doing what you're doing. This comment is DEFINITELY not indicative of the community's view on Mupen64.
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kingoddball said:
That is a very rough comment.
The emulator ain't even out of a Beta stage, yet.
Ari64 does not even have a Pandora. The video's we have are done by Craig/MWeston. I'm sure once the Pandora hits mainstream it will be tweaked and tuned well.

ZODTTD is using Ari64's Mupen for the iPhone N64 emulator - That has sound working with games.

It makes no difference if it can play all games, or just one game - This is the work of just a small handful of people (Ari mostly and adventus).

I was just going by the comments suggesting that the limits of the hardware are starting to be bumped against. It wasn't a knock on the emu code itself (if you would actually read the post rather than jumping to conclusions) but a dissapointment that the OMAP HARDWARE might not be up to task. I mean having to overclock to 800 MHz to is not too good either and may even ruin the CPU.

A fullspeed N64 emu running at 600 MHz with sound just is starting to seem a bit out of reach with the current hardware. If Ari or another coder has a differing opinion please correct me.
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DaveC said:
I don't know but it seems that N64 on the Pandora is a dissapointment. I know it is early but it is sounding more and more like N64 will be to Pandora as PSX was to Wiz, barely playable and for only a few games. I mean playing games with no sound, just to be honest, sucks. I guess the Pandora SoC is just not quite powerful enough to pull it off. I am hoping at least PSX will be much more doable.

I don't think it's a disappointment because it's never been a done deal, it's very taxing. If anything the amazing progress made so far has made us jump the gun a bit, at least in our minds, when it comes to expectations and hopes. We've already seen a good few games at very playable speeds and the Pandora isn't out yet.

I praise the N64 emu guys for being honest about what they're trying to do and what they think it might gain in performance improvements, most of the low hanging fruit have been picked already but it's not matured yet.

As for Playstation emulation, I'm really taking stock in the fact that it's been said a few times that it's full speed. I know full compatibility is a different kettle of fish but it's great that the power is there.

Great work guys, on both the N64 and Playstation emulators.
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I understand DaveC's comments.

N64 emu arrived out of blue, great, and plenty of time yet for optimising.... but with a 30-40% cpu overclock not providing enough welly to get it running, it's going to have to be some very serious speedups to get there...

I'm still hopeful - Ari64 reports 60% (ish) cpu time spent on the dynarec core, leaving 40% for sound/gfx/timing etc.. I have no idea how the gfx plugins are structured in mupen64, how low-level vs HLE they are, but Adventus' comments seem to suggest there is a lot of work required by the plugins. And we are running it through a GL-ES wrapper etc...

Love to see some serious profiling. We shall see.
From what I remember sound was being emulated, just not outputted, was that ever/still the case? Also as mentioned I believe they want to offload this to the dsp.

As for overclock being required, that was always thought to be needed for most N64 games.
I wouldn't be able to play without sound personally, but all things considered I think they've made good progress, and it will be intresting to see just how far they can push the hardware.

PSX should be full speed with possibly some nice little additions like filtering, etc.
silver said:
I'm still hopeful - Ari64 reports 60% (ish) cpu time spent on the dynarec core, leaving 40% for sound/gfx/timing etc.. I have no idea how the gfx plugins are structured in mupen64, how low-level vs HLE they are, but Adventus' comments seem to suggest there is a lot of work required by the plugins. And we are running it through a GL-ES wrapper etc...
60% CPU usage is about average for a game like goldeneye without overclocking. I've seen it range from 20%-90% depending on what part of the game is running. These numbers are from benchmarking the dynarec without graphics or sound. With graphics rendering (actually playing the game) the CPU usage is 100% and it must either slow down or drop frames.

Na-Noo said:
From what I remember sound was being emulated, just not outputted, was that ever/still the case? Also as mentioned I believe they want to offload this to the dsp.
Using the DSP is not a realistic possibility right now, as the development tools just aren't ready.
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Reposting this from the N64 beta thread. Adventus has kindly put together a list of N64 games he has tested. Remember it's all work in progress, so don't get all deflated it if your favourite game doesn't work right now. It may in the future.

I hope the guys don't mind me "advertising" this post, I don't want them to be harrassed, I just want to keep the noise out of their beta thread. :)

Adventus said:
Its certainly improved dramatically.

I've actually tested alot of games but was hesitant to post my results here for fear of people getting annoyed that X game doesn't work. Here's what i remember from the current sources, i may add a proper list later:

Mario 64: Works well.
Starfox: Works well.
Mario kart 64: Works well.
Fzero X: Works well.
Snowboard Kids 2: Dynarec works, bad rendering issues (only displays skybox).
Goldeneye 007: Works, its a bit slow.
Perfect dark: Works (after i added a mempak to the controller). Renders fine (runs pretty well actually ~50-80% @ 800mhz).
Banjo Kazooie: Works well, I'm up to the 4th world.
Banjo Tooie: Doesn't work at the moment, has in the past.
1080 Snowboarding: Works well.
Majora's Mask: Shows intro, but doesn't get into game.
Ocarina of Time: Works.
Paper mario: Works well but screen flickers.
Turok 1: Works well.
Turok 3: Works, bit slow.
Diddy Kong Racing: Doesn't work at the moment, has in the past.
Super Smash Brothers: Dynarec works (after i removed some asserts :) ). Plays fine depending on how many characters your versing, the eyes of the characters aren't rendered though.
Yoshi Story: Dynarec works, has rendering issues (probably can be fixed with framebuffer textures).
Hybrid Heaven: Works well.
V-rally 99: Works, bit slow.
Top Gear Rally 2: Works, bit slow.
Ridge Racer: Works bit slow, cars are rendered black though.
The World Is Not Enough: Works pretty well, renders fine.
Blast Corps: Doesn't work.
Jet Force Gemini: Doesn't work (I think we're missing a 64bit opcode).
Shadowman: Doesn't work.
Indiana Jones: Doesn't work.
Mario party: Works well, has flickering issue.
Mario party 3: Works well, has flickering issue.
Pokemon Stadium 2: Works well. Has a few rendering issues that doesn't affect the gameplay.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Works, bit slow.
Buck Bumble: Works well.
Knockout Kings 2000: Works bit slow.
Ready to rumble 2: Works bit slow.
Body Harvest: Works bit slow.
Castevania 2 - Legacy of Darkness: Doesn't work.
Custom Robo V2: Works well.
Donkey Kong 64: Doesn't work.
Excitebike 64: Doesn't work.
Extreme-G XG2: Works, rendering problem (only displays skybox).
F1 World Grad Prix 2: Works well.
Gauntlet Legends: Doesn't work.
Glover: Doesn't work.
LEGO racers: Works pretty well.
MACE - The Dark Ages: Works.
Mario Golf: Works slow, has rendering issues.
Mega Man 64: Works well.
Mystical Ninga starring Geomon: Works but really slow.
Mario Tennis: Doesn't work.
Pilot Wings 64: Works, bit slow.
Rayman 2: Works well.
Resident Evil 2: Doesn't work.
Starcraft 64: Doesn't work.
Space Station Silicon Valley: Works ok, has some minor rendering issues (geometry).
Starwars Episode 1 Racer: Works well, but sets wrong viewport for rendering.
Starwars Episode 1 - Battle for Naboo: Doesn't work.
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3: Works slow, has texture rendering issues.
Wipeout 64: Doesn't work.
Worms Armageddon: Works, has nasty rendering issues.
Sin and Punishment: Works.
Bangai-O: Doesn't work.

I believe the flickering issue with 2d games (and maybe the skybox) can be fixed by using framebuffer textures, which i should be able to add pretty easily but will likely come at a rendering expense. Maybe not using double buffering would works as well, I'm investigating this at the moment.
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Thanks for posting that here, Gruso - I haven't been keeping up with that thread - and thanks also to Adventus for the list. :)
Adventus, you ROCK! The first 4 games on the list are good enough to last me until more get going. Thanks Again!

Wow! This is great! This emu is much further along than I thought. :D I'm dying to know what "works well" means by his standards, though. Full speed? Sound?
Well that's made my early a.m. Looks like N64 emulation's coming along really well behind the scenes. Would love Jet Force Gemini to work, but I have no grounds to be too regretful given some of the things I didn't expect that are on this list (Perfect Dark at 50-80%!!!). Great work :D
I'm very curious to know that as well - all of the N64 games I own are in that list, and my three favourites (Star Fox 64, Diddy Kong Racing, and Rayman 2) are all either "Works well" or "Has worked before". :)
I'm dying to know what "works well" means by his standards, though. Full speed? Sound?
Here's a general idea for what i mean by "works well": At 800mhz without sound and no frameskip the PAL version runs at 80-100% for the portion of the gameplay that I tried (once everything is stable ie textures have been uploaded, shaders compiled, code compiled). This doesn't mean its a completely smooth experience, you occasionally get a slow area or an instant where there is a peak in CPU usage.... but i would be happy to play the game at this speed.

The only game i would say is "fullspeed" is Super Mario 64 (not including the mario face).
Adventus said:
Here's a general idea for what i mean by "works well": At 800mhz without sound and no frameskip the PAL version runs at 80-100% for the portion of the gameplay that I tried (once everything is stable ie textures have been uploaded, shaders compiled, code compiled). This doesn't mean its a completely smooth experience, you occasionally get a slow area or an instant where there is a peak in CPU usage.... but i would be happy to play the game at this speed.

The only game i would say is "fullspeed" is Super Mario 64 (not including the mario face).

Thanks for the clarification! :)
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All that goodness and the program ain't even out of Beta stages!

Thanks GRUSO for popping it up and thanks Adventus! We have not heard from you in quite a while!!