

Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
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Finally finished my pokemon tileset


if n e one wants it PM me and ill send u the bitmap, i left all the rocks out coz i waz playing a chinese version of pkmn so i never got that far.

Next up a zelda tileset, then mario & luigi, then kirby, then finally Earthbound, LOTS OF FUN!!!

A few of the sprites, eg. building i couldnt be arsed to reach, have been ripped from "Fire Seer" but the rest is my own,

BTW look at this

Hes ther right size too!!!!

And in case u r wondering the water can move and it looks sweet, if i get into this i will use hotspots to create reflections in the water, but thats only wen i get really bored


  • gfx_tilesetpink.jpg
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  • gfx_tilesetpink.jpg
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On an off topic note, can you include music in the backround of Gigas? (Like some of the music on gamingw.net)

BTW, Octavious, your avatar is not showing up. (It just says image hosted by Angelfire)
That Shyguy Kingdom place is amazing! So many ripped sprites - though not all of them are 6-frame anim ones (mostly seem to be 4 or 3). Now I need to either find some young-looking assassin sprite there, or do a bit of pixel-work on Gau. And turn him into one, as well as a set for a monk...
DAMN you octavious, heres me trying to do something that is all mine, and u go and make life easier for me, and i dont wanna use the tiles but im compelled to coz itll save me a few hourss
That Shyguy Kingdom place is amazing! So many ripped sprites - though not all of them are 6-frame anim ones (mostly seem to be 4 or 3).
Yeah, and looking at Shyguy Kingdom I see Gigas Engine written all over it. ;)
Pirotic posted on May 9 2004 at 06:32 PM said:
can i have a bmp copy of the pokemon tileset please,

gigas at pirotic dot com

cheers! why not submit it to http://www.giglio1.karoo.net/, they host all the tilesets people make etc
Add me at gilllio@hotmail.com to ur msn send over that and I will try will put it online :)

note: gotta remove something else... will do that now.

Also Deleted User is working on the site... he is doing alot more... I have a lot of work in atm :( damn BTEC... think im gonna fail it... oh and my other "problem" im sure you all know about :/

Anyways in 4 weeks I finish college for good so will have lots of time to work on Gigas and the recourse site :)... Gonna get a job aswell so will probably buy a domain name (thinking of gigasrecourse.com :) ) anyways im watching corrie and its back on :)
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This seemed to be the best place to ask a stupid question, but could anyone tell me how, or point me in the direction of someone who can tell me how, to use tilesets?
its not a stupid question, i didnt have a friggin clue what tilesets were until i read up about it all.

the map is basically a grid of squares, and each square is called a 'tile' - and the map is created simply by putting tiles together, like a mosiac.

if you want to know how to use them in gigas, read the "Pirotics Editing Guide.txt" which is with the latest demo somewhere (in the "Editing Stuff" subfolder i think")

any more questions, just ask.
well, I understand the basic principle behind tile based games. The thing that confuses me is that tilesets are distributed as one big bmp, so how can you assign one particular part of said bmp to one tile? for instance the pokemon tileset above, one big bmp, so how would I place, say, one house out of that tile set?
I hope no-one else answers whilst im typing

Each bitmap has hundreds of 16x16 squares that make up one tile, they are denoted by the pink/brown/white squares. A building comprises of sveral squares so each part of the building has to be laid as a 16x16 tile, which can get annoying, Just look at my pkmn one, some thing like small sign and furniture take up exactly one squre, so that can be laid as a tile, but if i wanted to put a house on my map i would have to lay the top left corner of the house as one tile, the next piec as another til, then finally id get to the bottom right corner after laying 16 tiles

Ive just read that and it doesnt even make sense to me wot i just wrote

ARGHHHH 0.6.5 has got the better of me, my characters wont move, i have made sure the tiles arent solids, but even when i change the chaarcter on "EDIT" it still comes up with the ginger haire dude and he wont move
actually that does make sense, thanks. If I've got this right, you give gigas the tileset, then when you got to make a map or whatever you cycle through every single 16x16 square and place them all individually. Cheers, hopefully when I get to grips with gigas (or, possibly, Zot) I would quite like to make a Zelda game.
mattmagoo posted on May 9 2004 at 08:03 PM said:
ARGHHHH 0.6.5 has got the better of me, my characters wont move, i have made sure the tiles arent solids, but even when i change the chaarcter on "EDIT" it still comes up with the ginger haire dude and he wont move
Is the AI set to "player"?
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mattmagoo posted on May 9 2004 at 08:03 PM said:
I hope no-one else answers whilst im typing

Each bitmap has hundreds of 16x16 squares that make up one tile, they are denoted by the pink/brown/white squares. A building comprises of sveral squares so each part of the building has to be laid as a 16x16 tile, which can get annoying, Just look at my pkmn one, some thing like small sign and furniture take up exactly one squre, so that can be laid as a tile, but if i wanted to put a house on my map i would have to lay the top left corner of the house as one tile, the next piec as another til, then finally id get to the bottom right corner after laying 16 tiles

Ive just read that and it doesnt even make sense to me wot i just wrote

ARGHHHH 0.6.5 has got the better of me, my characters wont move, i have made sure the tiles arent solids, but even when i change the chaarcter on "EDIT" it still comes up with the ginger haire dude and he wont move
good explaination,

i think hes probably getting confused as on the tilemaps most of the time you get like, complete buildings etc.

the thing is, the tilemap is still just a huge grid of 16x16 tiles, just when you paste houses on it etc you can no longer make out the individual tiles. just because it looks like a big house on the tilesheet, doens't mean it isnt still just a load of 16x16 tiles. lol

as for your character moving problems, have you set the AI to player? hover the cursor over him in entity editing mode, press SELECT and select 'set player', that will automatically change his AI for you.

if you have more than one entity with AI as player, it'll mess up and the one moving may not be the one the camera focus's on. lol

if that isnt the problem let me know, and i'll look into it.

note: the character cannot walk over "nothing" - if a tile doesn't exist on layer 0 he wont be able to walk over it.
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c0ncept posted on May 9 2004 at 08:23 PM said:
have you implemented henchmen or anything yet?
U mean allies?

Yes, he has
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