GP32 Tile Based 2d Graphics Engine


Apr 4, 2004
does anyone know if there's any well documented/commented gp32 compatible tile based 2d graphics engines that can handle scrolling which could be used as a foundation for making a game?

on an unrelated question, I read that there's a Java VM out for the gp32. How fast is it?

I know lots of people slag off Java but it's so much more strait forward than C (that and I really hate working with pointers and you can create data structures in Java that eliminate the need for them in most cases)
you can create data structures in C++ :P

im building a 'game maker' which allows you to make 2D tilebased games (RPGs etc) called Gigas - it has a thread around here somewhere :D i can't give you the source but i can help out if you have any coding questions.
I use MAPPY.
Here the link : MAPPY Homepage

HERE i explain (in french so you can use a web translator) a basic use of Mappy with GP32. All src are on the site.

and HERE i explain a possibility to make a multidirectionnal scrolling, source on my site too (use a translator too ;) )

Good luck.

yup, Mappy for Win32 is ok for starting with - it supports Isometric too which is cool
Pirotic posted on Apr 13 2004 at 10:04 AM said:
you can create data structures in C++ :P
I thought that C++ made you do most things the hard way or use an opensource set of librarys. That what you get for being taught languages at uni though...

Does it have vectors and hashmaps (two things I love using in Java)?
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Vectors - yes, it be under the STL (Standard Template Library). Not sure how fast it would run under the GP32... If you look on my website under Windows C++, you should see some snippets of code for vectors.

As for mappy, isnt it in English already? Or are you looking for a guide to use it for GP32?