This is a longshot, but... anime thread?

How is the second season?, I was a tad apprehensive about watching it since it was being done by a different studio.

I'm really enjoying it. The style seems very similar, and I wasn't aware of any change. Saitama appears in it less than I was hoping for, but that's what you get for single-punch fights, and that's only me being really picky!
Ah, season 2 is out? I'll pick that up again, just finished high-score girl... It's about a Super Street Fighter II addicted kid who does anything and everything to get his game-kick but there's this girl who seems to be better at it than him... This evolves in a somewhat strange and ackward situations...
At times funny but overall mediochre, imo..
I'm really enjoying it. The style seems very similar, and I wasn't aware of any change. Saitama appears in it less than I was hoping for, but that's what you get for single-punch fights, and that's only me being really picky!
I also need to watch season 2 soon. I followed the Manga after Anime Season 1 and in the Manga, Saitama also isn't the only center of the story. They focus on alot of other heroes and plots for not so clear reasons. Saitama is in a big Tournament though, I hope we get these funny Dragonball inspired fight comedy in the Anime too. :D
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i'm a big fan of all OPM incarnations (original web-comic, manga, and anime -- atm i wouldn't say any is better than another). though i haven't started on season 2 -- i don't do hulu... you can't always focus on Saitama, for pacing and variety reasons...

eureka 7 was one where i thought the anime was better than the manga, although i watched the anime first so maybe that colored my perception.

also, other selections for your choosing:[title_only]=1&c[node]=220
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Dragonball is one of the worst anime made ever... I just hated to see an incredibly catching and well made manga, full of great twists, become such a pain to watch... and the anime sequels (GT/Super) were even worse...
You can't insult Dragonball and get away with it! Now stand still for fifteen minutes while I decide how to punch you.
You can't insult Dragonball and get away with it! Now stand still for fifteen minutes while I decide how to punch you.
Well more like 15 minutes every week stretched over 3 months.
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I like that about Japanese anime, when it gets to a critical moment in a battle, they always spend a huge amount of time explaining in detail, to the enemy, their new special ability or hidden power, or as a group start daydreaming about some past event which takes an episode or two.
I like that about Japanese anime, when it gets to a critical moment in a battle, they always spend a huge amount of time explaining in detail, to the enemy, their new special ability or hidden power, or as a group start daydreaming about some past event which takes an episode or two.
I can tolerate it somewhat, but Dragonball Z was especially horrific in this aspect, It literally could go a month without moving any plot point in any significant direction and it literally spent half the episode recapping what happened last episode.
I can tolerate it somewhat, but Dragonball Z was especially horrific in this aspect, It literally could go a month without moving any plot point in any significant direction and it literally spent half the episode recapping what happened last episode.

There where moments when a single page of the manga (with like 8 images), was covering like ten episodes....

First Super Saiyan (or how you know it is called in your language) transformation comparison:

MANGA = 2 images (one normal, one blonde)
ANIME = almost 2 entire episodes + the summary of the previous episode with the full transformation again (repeated for all the next episodes)
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I can tolerate it somewhat, but Dragonball Z was especially horrific in this aspect, It literally could go a month without moving any plot point in any significant direction and it literally spent half the episode recapping what happened last episode.
Yupp, DBZ was hard to enjoy sometimes. Somehow if felt like they needed to freeze time with the Anime until the Manga was catching up. I guess i's a mystery why they didn't just lowered the release rate of an episode instead.
Luckily, there is an compressed DBZ Version that doesn't have all these filler episodes or countless times the fighters just stay opposite each other entire episodes long and do nohing than insulting back and forth.
Yupp, DBZ was hard to enjoy sometimes. Somehow if felt like they needed to freeze time with the Anime until the Manga was catching up.

That is indeed the reason and actually this is a pretty common thing for many Anime, there's also a name for this, "Filler", and most of the time it could translate to entire new episodes not related to the manga, but sometimes forced to stay in Anime the story (making it worst).

Naruto and Fairy Tail were also extending this practice to the max.
Naruto and Fairy Tail were also extending this practice to the max.
Well I rather have filler story arcs at least I can skip those after looking up a filler episode guide. Didn't really help when I was watching Naruto as the episodes came out though...
That is indeed the reason and actually this is a pretty common thing for many Anime, there's also a name for this, "Filler", and most of the time it could translate to entire new episodes not related to the manga, but sometimes forced to stay in Anime the story (making it worst).

Naruto and Fairy Tail were also extending this practice to the max.
True. One Piece does the same, at least the Filler Episodes are mostly not that bad. Still to many time stretching scenes within the regular story plot, where basicly nothing happens in an entire episode.
My Switch's left analog stick mostly broke, so I started watching more anime lately. I have nothing else to do really, 'cause I still have no computer.

"More" isn't even that much though. Been trying and rejecting various recent shows, like Rising of the Shield Hero, Midnight Occult Civil Servants, and Helpful Fox Senko-san. The Promised Neverland is one I might stick with.
Oh this old thread - let me chime in once again

So far I'm enjoying season 2 of One Punch Man.

Let me append to my list on the page prior (is that grammatically correct, should I say previous page?)

I've watched all of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series; Diamond is unbreakable being my favourite so far. But the one currently airing is also great.
My Hero Academia was cool up to a point
and the rather video-gamey Rising of the Shield Hero
warning: rape, splatter, but also entertaining and video-gamey - Goblin Slayer

Recently stumbled over a Ghibli one that I hadn't seen - Castle in the Sky. I have an inkling that the designers of Panzer Dragoon Saga took some inspiration from that movie. If you love the game, check out the movie.
Yeah, I found Castle In the Sky (aka Laputa) to be one of the stronger early ghiblis, and if you can ignore the squeaky vocals (in the original soundtrack at least; I've not heard it translated) then it's one of the better actioners all round really.
From I watched the following:

"The promised Neverland" (genre: horror (but not gory) mystery, puzzlesolving, hope).

This is a layered story, with cliffhangers at every end of each chapter, leaving you both tense and wanting to click on the next chapter. With small clues to figure out what is going to happen next, I was blindsided and totally blown away. Not telling anything about the plot, because that would spoil it. If you are not hooked by the end of chapter 2, then this one is not for you.