Thinking Of Getting A Pandora, Questions


Active Member
Sep 7, 2010
Currently I have a GP2x Wiz, and I plan on getting the Pandora, I'm mostly getting it for the netbook-esque functionality it provides. Compared to an 11" netbook at 1024x600, how much "stuff" can I fit on the screen before I can't read it (I assume I can change the font size of the OS and hide taskbars?)? I have almost perfect vision in one eye (no problem for reading text).

I'm mostly asking this to see if I can type notes on it effectively with something like this USB keyboard which is the same size as an 11" netbook would have.

Also how long do people wait for a premium Pandora shipped to Toronto with the cheapest shipping? I know it says 7 days, but I understand that might not be accurate. Also, does the cheapest shipping from OP have tracking?

Side note, I might sell my Wiz, wondering what price I could get for it as well.
Darkknight512 said:
Currently I have a GP2x Wiz, and I plan on getting the Pandora, I'm mostly getting it for the netbook-esque functionality it provides. Compared to an 11" netbook at 1024x600, how much "stuff" can I fit on the screen before I can't read it (I assume I can change the font size of the OS and hide taskbars?)? I have almost perfect vision in one eye (no problem for reading text).
Remember the day where the PC screen were 640x480 ? pandora is doing a bit better with it's 800x480 ;)

Darkknight512 said:
Also how long do people wait for a premium Pandora shipped to Toronto with the cheapest shipping? I know it says 7 days, but I understand that might not be accurate. Also, does the cheapest shipping from OP have tracking?
Premium are no longer available.
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Are you sure the premium pandora's are not avalible? I see them on

When ordering, it links to for finishing the order.
There's a bit of a clusterfuck behind the scenes because CircuitCo (the company who makes the boards...but not for long) is a group of slow-ass clowns that do not communicate well or deliver the boards that they were paid for. Fortunately, OP is recruiting a company in Germany (closer to EvilDragon; CC's in Texas) to finish the boards. They're still waiting on a quote, that should come soon.
Blue Protoman said:
There's a bit of a clusterfuck behind the scenes because CircuitCo (the company who makes the boards...but not for long) is a group of slow-ass clowns that do not communicate well or deliver the boards that they were paid for. Fortunately, OP is recruiting a company in Germany (closer to EvilDragon; CC's in Texas) to finish the boards. They're still waiting on a quote, that should come soon.

I'm aware of that, though I thought CC was a Chinese company? Ahh well, hopefully I find either a good used pandora or order a 7 day one sometime this month. I hope ED and the rest of the crew is doing well, from the looks of it, I think there will be a pandora 2, seeing the iCP doing so well with the experience gained from the pandora problems.
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i have a strange feeling premium 7 day orders will be cut off for a while now either, theres plans to start pre-orders again for now