There''''s Still Hope For Adobe Flash


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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TI's collaboration with Adobe will allow manufacturers and developers to fully leverage the benefits of the OMAP platform to reduce time to market while increasing performance and reducing power on devices. A pre-release of the optimized Adobe Flash Player 10 for devices is expected to be available to manufacturers this summer with an official production release expected in Q1 2010. OMAP solutions supporting the pre-release of Adobe Flash Player are expected to be available for manufacturers and developers in the second half of 2009.

Looks like we'll be waiting a while. :(
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lol I thought you meant, "Hope that Flash will one day become open and stop sucking", not "hope that one day we might be cursed with a flash player binary"

I guess that's good news technically, but I'm looking forward to SVG, Javascript, and SMIL combining [and I'll form the head..] into some kind of super Flash replacement that relies on native browser rendering and open standards.

Besides, Q1 2010 is just a matter of months. Some of you guys have been waiting much longer for the Pandora. A few months with the Pandora but without Flash will be insignificant.
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so all the comments about how the wiz's flash compatibility was going to be rubbish compared to the Pandora's was just fanbois mouthing off?
Surely not :D

Lulzfish is right though, after all the waiting whats another delay?

Although I disagree that Q1 2010 is 'just a few months off', its 4 months off a year, plus all the months of the 1st quater!
If thats the new definition of 'a few months' I really worry about the world.
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'r00tw00t' said:
What is this thread doing under Pandora news?
Well it's about flash on omap, pandora = omap, = interesting news.

About the long wait: maybe since this community is so filled with developers, this might actually be one of the first platforms it will be tested on. Pure speculation though...
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Confirmed: Official Flash port will be ready before the Pandora is released. ;)
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'lulzfish' said:
I guess that's good news technically, but I'm looking forward to SVG, Javascript, and SMIL combining [and I'll form the head..] into some kind of super Flash replacement that relies on native browser rendering and open standards.
Flash is only good for backwards compatibility.

HTML 5, <canvas>, <audio>, <video> and JavaScript are a pretty good equivalent for Flash. SVG would be less easy to work with (less well integrated in HTML than in flash), but it would fill in most of the gaps left. I've actually proposed a GSoC project for something like that. We're working on it :)
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'lulzfish' said:
Besides, Q1 2010 is just a matter of months. Some of you guys have been waiting much longer for the Pandora. A few months with the Pandora but without Flash will be insignificant.
It JUST became Q2 2009, so it is conceivable that a Q1 2010 release is a year away (they could release it March 31st 2010 and still say it was Q1 2010). Sure, technically, it`s just a matter of months, but so then is Q1 3010 technically just a matter of months. It would be more accurate to say it is a year away. Also, when do release dates ever get changed in favor of a shorter period vs a longer period? If the PR people say it will be Q1, then it will probably be Q2 or later.... marketers' timelines seldomly reflect developer's timelines.
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Sorry, several months. For some reason I was thinking, "The pandora's a couple months out and Q1 is like a month or two and so.."
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I thought there was always hope for flash, even if it had to be stolen from the N810
Maybe the first prototype release this summer won't be to bad? Let's wait and see ^^
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There will be a pre-"production" version available over the summer. Since we'll only have the first batch (maybe two) ready by then, we might be able to ask TI if they would release it to us, as we would be a good test bed for the plugin.
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they obviously already have it ported... did nobody see the tegra videos with flash in a browser (today engadget )?

it is probaly a matter of bugs/optimisation

on the other hand ... maybe it was window mobile X.x i doubt that though
'sindbad' said:
Flash is only good for backwards compatibility.

HTML 5, <canvas>, <audio>, <video> and JavaScript are a pretty good equivalent for Flash. SVG would be less easy to work with (less well integrated in HTML than in flash), but it would fill in most of the gaps left. I've actually proposed a GSoC project for something like that. We're working on it :)
Um, you do realize that a great number of sites use Flash for the most asinine features, right? Some sites are completely unusable without flash, and they aren't necessarily sites that are obscure.

Sucre those things are newer and do work, but if the people writing the site aren't using them, well then they're really not a realistic option. Backwards compatibility implies that something is replacing it that is newer, and that really hasn't happened yet.
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hedwards said:
'sindbad' said:
Flash is only good for backwards compatibility.

HTML 5, <canvas>, <audio>, <video> and JavaScript are a pretty good equivalent for Flash. SVG would be less easy to work with (less well integrated in HTML than in flash), but it would fill in most of the gaps left. I've actually proposed a GSoC project for something like that. We're working on it :)
Um, you do realize that a great number of sites use Flash for the most asinine features, right? Some sites are completely unusable without flash, and they aren't necessarily sites that are obscure.

Sucre those things are newer and do work, but if the people writing the site aren't using them, well then they're really not a realistic option. Backwards compatibility implies that something is replacing it that is newer, and that really hasn't happened yet.

Indeed, especially while we have IE that refuses to stay up-to-date to even the most basic standards and most certainly hasn't got "<canvas>"-support.
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'cb88' said:
they obviously already have it ported... did nobody see the tegra videos with flash in a browser (today engadget)?

it is probaly a matter of bugs/optimisation

on the other hand ... maybe it was window mobile X.x i doubt that though
that was windows mobile. for arm, as tegra is arm (v6, iirc). so yes, clearly there is a functional port of flash for arm, but we already knew that.

btw i was really impressed with the SODIMM-sized tegra board. here it is, for those who have not seen it
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I thought Flash would already be on it, it's available on desktop Linux and it's also available on other ARM devices (i.e. Nokia phones).
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