There should be an official tally for units shipped.

Blue Protoman

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
Names don't have to be released. Simply have a count of how many were shipped, how many remain, and possibly an estimate for completion of Batch 1.
Names don't have to be released. Simply have a count of how many were shipped, how many remain, and possibly an estimate for completion of Batch 1.
I think they responded in the past that they either didn't have this information (hard to believe) or that it was too much work to update (hard to believe as well). This was quite a while back though, so I probably just remember wrong.

It would be nice yes, but the information can be estimated from forum posts and twitters by the team.
I remember craig said he would twitter milestones ie he would twitter when they got to a thousand etc.Mines gone in for repairs(one nubber)and am waiting on a second batch 1 pandora 3,500 to 4000
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I am against this. The more specific information they release the more the boards fill up with posts saying:

They say they've shipped 1000 units and I was estimated as 800-900 back in an email I got in 2009. Why haven't I got my Pandora? Wah...wah...

Also the team will receive emails along these lines too. I say leave it vague and everyone chill out and show a little patience. We've come this far, it isn't going to kill us to wait a bit longer.
We've come this far, it isn't going to kill us to wait a bit longer.

I'm actually a bit scared about what it will feel like not waiting for the Pandora once I get it. I think there will be something like a hole inside of me where the waiting used to be. :unsure:
You'll find something else to wait for. Like, say, 3DS games. Or ports of software to the Pandora.
Waiting for the Pandora is like the night before Christmas when I was young waiting till it is slightly daylight out to wake up my parents to see all my loot. It has been one long night. . .

As far as a number of units shipped on their home page that would be great. I still find it hard we can't have numbers in a queue instead of a rough estimate. Yes, I realize that some of these go back defective so the shipped number wouldn't be 100% accurate but when updated the shipped number don't include replacements shipped. It doesn't seem that difficult to do.

Kaprikawn is correct about one thing, we're almost to the end, doing this on batch one won't matter much once production picks up. If batch 2 goes 3 or 4 hundred per week it won't need queue numbers either.