Release The Ur-Quan Masters

Hmm ... afaik the PXML is stored two times in each pnd, one is in the squashfs and one is appended at the end of the file along with another copy of the icon. Maybe you did put the correct PXML into the directory that ends up in the squashfs but the PNDTools still used the old one for appending at the end of the pnd for some reason ...

Otherwise I couldn't explain why repackaging (with changed anything. But since I'm hardly using Windows I have never used PNDTools, so I can't say for sure.

To install UQM Easier version, you will need to delete/uninstall your old UQM and check to see that it has dissappeared from your desktop or menu. (You might need to eject and reinsert your SD card to force the .pnd daemon to rescan your apps). Then you can install UQME. I will try to fix this issue and allow both UQM versions to be installed at the same time, using the same savegames.

EDIT: Something is still wrong with the PXML. When clicking on the file with PNDManager, it shows as "already installed" if the uqm-0.7.0.pnd is installed. FIXED.

EDIT2: changed app ID to "uqmE" and pndname to uqm-070e.pnd. Problem is, it shows up under the old name in the menu after downloading and installing.
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In the one I got from your post yesterday, the package ID was uqm-070e, maybe that is the same package ID as the old one?
Hmm 42 downloads and no comments?  How do you like the new combat? Speed has been reduced from 24fps to 18fps.
Did you already figure out what went wrong with your pnd (or what made PND_Tools make that mistake)?

If not there is the one I have sent to you a on Saturday (maybe you didn't get a notification since the download-counter is still 0?).
I tried it briefly and the slower combat (unlike the hectic standard version) gives me the feeling of having at least a bit of control over the battle.

Nice work. Thanks.

edit: I probably still won't play the campaign because the time limits there agitate me.
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Wow, re-living some good childhood memories :-)

Is it possible to stretch the game to full screen? I tried by modifying the uqm.cfg with "usegl = BOOLEAN:true", "reswidth = INT32:800" and added "keepaspectration = BOOLEAN:false", but nothing changed.
Wow, re-living some good childhood memories :-)

Is it possible to stretch the game to full screen? I tried by modifying the uqm.cfg with "usegl = BOOLEAN:true", "reswidth = INT32:800" and added "keepaspectration = BOOLEAN:false", but nothing changed.
No opengl stretching available sorry. It would make the combat pretty weird to strech it.
No opengl stretching available sorry. It would make the combat pretty weird to strech it.
Too bad that it is impossible. I am aware that it might look weird or even make it unplayable, but it would have been interesting to try it ;-)
Thanks to x1212, a new version of Ur-Quan Masters that can be installed alongside the original is up on the repo. 

I could not find a way to upgrade the package on the repository, so I deleted the old and uploaded the new. Feel free to rate the app again. Thanks.

EDIT: Oh crap on a stick. x1212s version seems to have speech disabled. I have no idea what caused that. Turning speech volume up to full in game-settings does not fix.
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x1212, I noticed that your version creates /mnt/utmp/uqmE whereas mine creates /mnt/utmp/uqm

I also noticed you have an extra .iso file in your pnd

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root   49649 May 17 14:20 COPYING
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005    4091 May  2 17:32 PXML.xml
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root   16384 May 17 14:20 content
drwxr-xr-x 4 1004 1005      57 May  2 17:32 default
drwxr-xr-x 2 1004 1005      33 May  2 17:32 doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005    4419 Sep 28  2012 icon.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005      92 Sep 27  2012
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005   20941 Sep 28  2012 screenshot-0.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005   50844 Sep 28  2012 screenshot-1.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005   77883 Sep 28  2012 screenshot-2.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005   62945 Sep 28  2012 screenshot-3.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005 1367753 Dec 29 23:55 uqm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1004 1005       0 May  1 12:10 uqmE.pnd.iso
-rw-r--r-- 1 1004 1005 1951794 May  3 20:43 x1212uqmE.pnd.iso

That extra .iso is what makes your final .pnd bigger than mine.  What's it doing there?

EDIT: Okay I copied all the /mnt/utmp/uqmE directory tree out to my SD card and then copied all the files from my working version into the uqmE tree

Then I created a .pnd with

./ -d uqmE -p uqm-070e.pnd -x uqmE/PXML.xml -i uqmE/icon.png -c
Unfortunately the filesize is massive, even though i used -c to compress using mksquashfs

Creating an iso file based on 'uqmE'.
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
Creating 4.0 filesystem on uqm-070e.pnd.iso, block size 131072.
[=========================================================|] 1090/1090 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
        compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
        duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 118735.24 Kbytes (115.95 Mbytes)
        86.87% of uncompressed filesystem size (136676.57 Kbytes)

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  10305700 May  2 17:38 uqm-070.pnd
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 121594174 May 17 21:14 uqm-070e.pnd
My new version has working voice, creates /mnt/utmp/uqmE instead of /mnt/utmp/uqm and works in the pandora menu alongside the original UQM (can have both installed). I just dont understand why it is 100+ MB and the other versions 10-12MB...
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that x1212uqmE.pnd.iso is most likely the pnd I used for testing (uncompressed I guess ...).

I have that bad habbit of using from inside the directory that is used and then only to specify a filename but no path ... if I package again later this happens and the pnd contains an other version of itself but at least now I know why it got bigger ...

But that 100Mb with the newest one is really strange ... and also why my version had no working voices, even though I didn't change the contents (didn't test that yet).

edit: just had a look on my workingdir for that pnd ... it is only ~50Mb with both my testing-pnd and the one I sent you (both 12Mb) so even if your newest was not compressed it should be way less than 50Mb if you remove that iso

edit2: ok ... that iso is only 2Mb ... and unsquash does not work on it ... I don't know where that file came from ...
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edit: just had a look on my workingdir for that pnd ... it is only ~50Mb with both my testing-pnd and the one I sent you (both 12Mb) so even if your newest was not compressed it should be way less than 50Mb if you remove that iso
edit2: ok ... that iso is only 2Mb ... and unsquash does not work on it ... I don't know where that file came from ...
I just ran your version of uqm (the 12MB one) and then via ssh checked the size of /mnt/utmp/uqmE

pandora:/mnt/utmp$ du -sh uqmE/
158M    uqmE/

how the heck is that getting compressed to 10-12MB? My mind is sploding.

EDIT, I tried deleting the uqmE/default directory since that only had a duplicate file 11538533 May 17 21:10 uqm-0.7.0-content.uqm, but the compressed filesize is the same (since mksquashfs detects duplicate files and only compresses them once).

Heres what I have so far

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10305700 May 2 17:38 uqm-070.pnd
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 121594174 May 17 21:14 uqm-070e-klapse_large.pnd
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 121594174 May 18 23:21 uqm-070e-klapsesmaller.pnd
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12254634 May 9 19:29 uqm-070e-x1212.pnd

I also remade the .pnd with PNDTools from the uqm-070e-klapse_large.pnd

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 121593387 May 19 2014 /media/mmcblk1p1/temp/uqm-070e-klapse_large_pndtools

Similarly large file. Now, how can the uqm voice data be compressed so much in the other .pnds?

total 112448
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 115143439 May 17 21:10 uqm-0.7.0-voice.uqm
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Hah! I am an EEDIOT! The 10-12MB versions of uqm do not have the voice files.  The large versions have the voice files.

Now the only question is whether to upload the large version or the small version to the repo.

EDIT: The reason I was getting voice playback even though i was playing the "lite version without voices" was because I had a undeletable directory in /mnt/utmp/uqm in which the voice pack was installed. So even if I ran the lite version under utmp/uqm, it was finding the voices.  But when I ran the easier version that extracted to /mnt/utmp/uqmE, the voices werent there!
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:D good to know it wasn't me.

So the reason the old one played the voices and that it conflicted with normal uqm was nearly the same ...
I am playing the easy version.  I guess I really suck, but thanks nonetheless.

I wasn't really paying attention when I was playing, however I do know I have voices when the probes intercept me to break me down for materials.  What files are needed for voices if I don't have them?
If you hear the voices from the probes then all voices are installed. (There is only one optional voice addon file)
A couple of combat tips:

Get the Spathi Eluder ship (you should be able to find this in Sol without hints). The rear of the ship is the side with three prongs with spheres on the end. Accelerate with A and fire rear-facing "BUTT" (Backwards Utilizing Tracking Torpedo) torpedos with X. The Spathi Eluder is fast and maneuverable. When fighting Slylandro probes, you should be able to keep enough distance to avoid their lightning attack, while firing BUTT torpedoes.

When fighting Ilwrath (the spidery things), they will remain cloaked until they approach near enough to fire at you. You can tell how close the enemy is by how zoomed-in the battle map is. Carefully approach the center of the screen with your Eluder, then turn around when it has zoomed to full size. Stay just out of range of their flamethrower attack and fire BUTT torps. The Ilwrath can destroy incoming BUTTs with their flamethrower, so turn yourself at a 30-45° angle so the torpedoes curve in and hit the Ilwrath from the side. You should be able to destroy a full complement of Ilwrath without losing a Spathi Eluder.  Be careful though of bumping into planets and asteroids. The planet collision will kill some crewmembers and the asteroid can bump you back within range of the Ilwrath flamethrower.

EDIT: Link to repo
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