The 'perfect' song?

Perfect song?

None, they all suck.

I will give a few that I think stand out for one reason or another when I have time.
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
It has everything you'd want in a song in it. Perfectly written and transitions galore!

I'm a huge Queen fan and yes, Bohemian Rhapsody comes close. But I would say, there is no "perfect song", however, there are many very good songs. Songs like "Stairway to Heaven" or alot from Pink Floyd. 
And it also depends on personal taste, especialy with Music in general.
I'm not a fan or words, and the music I listen to generally has no words in it... I regard all forms of music generated on this planet as far from 'perfect'... however, all music is perfect relative to it's reception.

So here is a 'song' (i.e. just a musical piece) that I am quite fond of:

'Night in that land' by Nightnoise

there are some other pieces that give me inspiration and solace, and I may or may not share them later.
I'm not a fan or words, and the music I listen to generally has no words in it... I regard all forms of music generated on this planet as far from 'perfect'... however, all music is perfect relative to it's reception.

So here is a 'song' (i.e. just a musical piece) that I am quite fond of:

'Night in that land' by Nightnoise

there are some other pieces that give me inspiration and solace, and I may or may not share them later.

Ooh,  very nice.  
I like listening to instrumental pieces while I'm reading, that way I don't have competing sources of lingual input.  I think I'll be adding some Nightnoise to my playlist. :-) 


And I'm one of those freakish people that actually enjoys listening to Celine Dion. :)    I especially like "Power of Love".

And I'm one of those freakish people that actually enjoys listening to Celine Dion. :)    I especially like "Power of Love".


I love Power of Love too. But the one by Huey Lewis.  :P
I don't think there's such a thing as a perfect song. But while I mainly listen to 80's rock, I really like the sound of this VGM remix.