Any songs literally give you goosebumps..


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
Or is just me..?

There's quite a few that do it for me, but for the sake of keeping this post brief I'll just humbly submit the one that stops me in my tracks every time I hear it:

Always loved Mark Hollis and his astounding/unusual voice, I remember one music critic back in the day saying that he sounds like he was bearing the pain of the whole world on his shoulders.
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like to call it an eargasm, so yeah, they do. gets a little dangerous when youre driving a care and it happens :{
Not goosebumps as such, but everytime I hear Limahl's "The Never Ending Story" the hairs go up on the back of my neck. I just love it. Corny, cheesy 80's pop crap. Weird, I know. It's the only song that does it. It reminds me so much of my youth, and watching the movie and playing the game (the music on the Amstrad CPC version was superb at the time).

With regards to the film, the sequels were awful, but that first one was magical.
The Diva's song from The Fifth Element. Made me cry the first few times I saw that scene.

The track that plays in Ghost in the Shell during the moody city takes.

There's also a video playing Mason Exceeder to clips from the anime Akira - the song ain't uber but I find it very fitting.

Sorry, no youtube includes, at work...
Carry On . And more or less anything from the Beatles era when they looked like unwashed hippies .
This is the Akira video I was talking about... so junkie xl and not aforementioned other. Not usually my type of music but I guess I like the movie too much.

I'm all about movie soundtracks here, kind of at least. Real goosebumps through music _only_ is hard for me, though I'm usually very succeptible to anything I hear.

Edit: Well there is one song I only have on tape, dunno what the track is called or who's done it, it's pretty dark drum'n'bass. That used to give me a shiver. Recorded from German radio evosonic, R.I.P.
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