The Pandora Was Featured On Engadget Again.

Stick at its Gruso when you get the read link you will be chuffed to bits :D just make sure your google ads are in place for then hehe
I remember my ill-fated Gizmondo fan dayz of troll protecting the gizmondo and getting my first article about android on the giz being reported on engadget!!! PROUD is the word! sitll foolish though as it was gizmondo :/

would love to write an article on the Pandora soon. maybe i will practice my grammer and spelling then (pointless on a forum lol)
Asmo said:
I didn't see anyone else mention it, but former regular round these parts 'Nick Lo Turco' got a shameless plug in the last issue of 'Retro Gamer':

I remember reading an early issue. It said, if any one under a certain age is reading this I'll eat my own testicles.

I was quite a bit under, 13 or 14 or something :P

I should of sent a letter in, that could of been funny :)
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