The Pandora And The Iphone...


Aug 31, 2008
If someone just looks at the capabilities alone, the two devices are quite similar. Both offer wireless internet, media capabilities, and can do very similar things. Sure, the Pandora doesn't have 3G built in, but the potential is there with 3G USB Modems. A friend was arguing that the iPhone is better value for what it does, and that it can do the same things but in a smaller form factor. I disagree. What are your thoughts?
There was a very extensive comparison somewhere. Basically the pandora is much more powerfull and has much more potential by being an open platform. In most other cases the iPhone wins.
I really would dislike using the iphone for gaming, even using icontrolpad. i wouldnt use it as a normal phone, either, i like tactile feedback. i dont want to look to dial a number or type.
really though, dispite my disdain for the iPhone it doesnt really matter, as they step into each others turf very little. i dont know many people who take iphone seriously as a gaming platform
mazza558 said:
If someone just looks at the capabilities alone, the two devices are quite similar. Both offer wireless internet, media capabilities, and can do very similar things. Sure, the Pandora doesn't have 3G built in, but the potential is there with 3G USB Modems. A friend was arguing that the iPhone is better value for what it does, and that it can do the same things but in a smaller form factor. I disagree. What are your thoughts?
Pretty much every Linux app out there Versus iPhone's apps = Linux Apps win. I don't see one trait about the iPhone that makes it a better "value" than a Pandora.
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iPhone total cost is about $200 higher than pandora (unless you want a used 8GB iPod Touch)

Not to mention the $2500 in service for the 2 year contract on the "$200" model iPhone.

I would say it really depends on what you want, they are very different. I would say try out the iPhone and if you find yourself wanting more power and better controls then sell it and buy a Pandora.

I am pretty sure the iPhone memory is non-expandible, and the controls and lack of USB kill it for me.

Not to mention that there is TV out on the Pandora, that plus a pair of 16 or 32GB SD cards makes it the winner in my book.
well if you want a portable that will be used almost entirely for music i would strongly recommend an ipod touch (not an iphone because of cost, service contracts, etc.)
if you want an all around portable that can do theoretically do almost anything you want it to do, then get the pandora
really the only things i see better about the iphone are
1. Form factor but this hardly counts seeing as the pandora has the best form factor for what it does but still the iphone is much easier to carry around (going by comparing my ipod touch in my pocket rather than my ds fat and ds lite)
2. Amazing development software
This is my personal opinion but really using Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments really makes it amazing to develop for the iphone
it literally took me an hour to have a fully functional latin translator for school that can do anything i want it to do
but you have to jailbreak and hack the iphone/ipod touch in order to get those apps that you develop on it, unless you want to pay apple
Also, i have not tried developing anything for the pandora (seeing as i only know the Cocoa framework and nothing else, come on i'm young i haven't had time :)) so this really isn't a fair argument and is very biased
Oh and the pandora absolutely kills the iphone in terms of battery life seeing as i only get an hour of playing Metroid with minimum backlight, wifi off, and fully charged
what it comes down to is that both these devices really can do the same things but the iphone has better commercial apps while the pandora has a lot more freedom and horsepower
Crasherball said:
can u plug in ur sim-card via usb somehow? :)
Do a Google search for the "Huawei E220" cellular modem - this is well-known for generally working well with Linux. :P You'll need a proper data plan to use with it, and will need to activate it on a Macintosh or Windows machine first, though.
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pandora= gaming controls, less cost(no monthly subscriptions), 10x graphics power, better CPU, bigger screen,
iphone= 3g
iPhone is what brought me here. Thank Zod!

Playing a lot of games on the iPhone sucks for the most part. My ver 1.1.4 iPhone is horrible on battery life. Yeah iPhone 2.0 has 3G & GPS, but I can read a map and don't want faster Internet that would jeopardize the battery life even more. I don't know how the 3G has held up in terms of battery.

I bought a GP2X to give me play control while waiting for Pandora to come out. I gave up on games for iPhone due to touch sense issues prohibiting progress in some parts of games for NES & GBA.

Pandora is my savior. Open source, awesome development team & community, play control, wi-fi, Internet, Bluetooth, NO itunes! Real keyboard, interchangeable memory.

I need an ethical cell phone provider and will ditch this iPhone ASAP when I get a Pandora!

At&t suck!


The iphone is made by an evil fascist company, the pandora is not.

Oh yeah, and the iphone sucks.
I've seen the iphone and tried it out, I know the Ipod touch is the same and I rather get a pandora went it comes out.
I really don't like the Iphone. Any device with pretty much no actual buttons just seems wrong to me and yes I know about that game control add on thing. Apple only opened up development on it cause they didn't have much choice after it got so easily hacked.

If you're really looking for what the pandora can do definitely get a pandora over the Iphone. The one neat thing on the Iphone is motion detection or whatever so when tilt it or whatever the game responds. It has its place for some but most are better off with any more dedicated device for gaming, media, etc.

The two can be compared but I doubt most would even make any comparison on there own.