It's Boeing time again!


There is the 770 too, but its not as cool as the SSK which porsche built. I think he did something called a 350k too, which i couldnt find pictures of.

For thise not content with the levels of strange mental concoctions offered in the große-mercedes, this is the
amphicar 770.
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ALL the boings.


I have zero faith in the left engine.

778 Not a good year for franks. Saxons rampant. An ok synth dies.
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Yeah, no idea what that pack retailed at, but I think it says it contains 30 exposures (possibly 80, but that seems unlikely for the apparent size of the box). Nowadays you only seem to be able to buy boxes of 8 at around $2 per exposure. Pfft, hipsters!

Anyway, we're now at a new number, that being:

Edit: Whoops, duplicate. At least you can see the number on this one I guess.
Nowadays you only seem to be able to buy boxes of 8 at around $2 per exposure. Pfft, hipsters!
I have considered buying their film to feed my old camera a few times. Actually, I have another one I bought in 03 that I used for a few years while traveling. Yet again it is being suggested I am a hipster, so it must be true. Somewhere I have a box of Polaroid film that expired like 20 years ago (so it is worthless). I must be the ultimate hipster. :p

I like some of the differences and experiments Impossible are doing since they took over that factory. While it does suck it is more expensive, it may be worth it in some cases. I thought it was more expensive, but that sounds like what I calculated the cost per picture, which is what keeps me away for now.