The New European Firmware Is Not Faster


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
It's been scientifically proven...well not really, but there's really no conceivable way they COULD make games play faster. It does far faster load time then the previous version of this same type of firmware, but inside the games play JUST as any other firmware. Whatever you see with increases in FPS is just an illusion from the false rumor.

Until I hear conclusive evidence otherwise, I'm stating this a false rumor and pinning it for one week.

Note: No, I'm not experienced enough to have any credibility on this issue (although rudimentary computer science would dictate what I said above). The Devs-That-Be were the ones that announced this, check the Dev boards and the threads about the new firmware.
imho yafl is way faster than 1.6.7.
the time it takes for loading the smc content is just unbearable (1.6.7)
wolly_wotsit posted on Aug 3 2004 at 03:49 PM said:
davey g posted on Aug 3 2004 at 12:59 PM said:
Like I said ... placebo.
a placebo is a pill that isnt medicinal, but gives the user the illusion that they are

they user is physchologically cured because they believe what they are taking will cure them

people appear to see a speed increase because they are told they will, even thoo they arent
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No improvemnet over the beta. Maybe a quarter of a second faster on loading some apps.
can anyone be nice enough to post a screeshot of the new firmaware,i don't have thepossibility to try it out right now.thank you
Aye, loading stuff faster is possible, just make the routines more efficient. As for programs themselves being faster, maybe the default clockspeed was increased from 40?
no_skill posted on Aug 6 2004 at 02:46 PM said:
it looks *exactly* like the old euro fw.
yeah,but i've never seen the old euro firmaware in action either.please?
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do the loading times now frustrate you? I tried the new one, yes it loads noticably faster but to be honest Im really happy with the functionality of my current multi firmware so it depends on how content you are with your current set up. Updating wont change your life that does look prettier than the old one though... ;)
If you do have any commercial games on your SMC, the Eurofirmware is really the best choice, because both commercial games and freeware are displayed in the same filelauncher. That´s big advantage over YAFL & Co. I for myself prefer the newest version of Aquafish´s MFw.