Beta The Mana World (Mmorpg)


Apr 20, 2007
Hello !

Today i had a little spare time and tried a few emulators. I must say that in a few month we got a lot of exciting things :) This give me the desire to do something, so i ported (again) "The Mana World", a cool cross-platform mmorpg.

Website :
Download :

- I did only spot one bug for now, if you click near a edge of the screen, the cursor will not be at the right place after (difficult to epxlain with my bad english). I don't know if it's an OS bug, tslib bug or mana world bug ...

- Edit : i did spot another one, sometime your player will always run in a direction, click setup, enable the joystick, click calibration then apply.

- No need to say that you need an internet connection to play this game :)

- If you want to go fullscreen, click the setting button and check fullscreen
Cpasjuste said:
Hello !

Today i had a little spare time and tried a few emulators. I must say that in a few month we got a lot of exciting things :) This give me the "envy" to do something, so i ported (again) "The Mana World", a cool cross-platform mmorpg.

Website :
Download :

I did only spot one bug for now, if you click at on a "edge screen", the cursor will not be at the right place after (difficult to epxlain with my bad english). I don't know if it's an OS bug, tslib bug or mana world bug ...

That is something a lot of emu's and semi fullscreen programs have, i thought some people are working on a fix, but im not sure.

And i never played mana world before, but i will definately give it a try since it has been requested as a port here many many times. So some people will be very happy i think :)

Thanks, and Cheers!


Edit: doh, nvm
Last edited by a moderator:
4/5 thumbs up :D

if we're being picky about things, a higher framerate wouldn't hurt, but i did test it on 500MHz, with most graphics settings on high, and it was still pretty smooth
Interesting, I'll definitely be trying this, and if it's fun I'll download it on PC too, then I can play it on the PC at home and on the Panda away from home :)
Welcome back cpasjuste, you have been missed :)

Most tslib issues come up for fullscreen apps forgetting to scale the ts to the res of the display, but since you're in windowed mode thats not it. Perhaps the nonstandard mouse cursor is the. Ause, as in dosbox? ( i didnt try it yet so just guessing) could try disabling pointer chabges and see if thats it (and if so, yeah, known driver bug)

Is it a popular game? I see lots of servers.. Wonder if there are stats up

If running at 700 and fullscreen, performs nice?

Hey cpasjuste :)

Looks like a work around has been found by djwillis -

Instead of disabling mouse, set it to a new 0-size pointer and good to go :)
