The LSD Sprial


Still Fresh
Apr 7, 2003
Check this out.

Download Here

Download/Unzip it and all that good stuff and follow the instructions using the given numbers to set it up.

Stare at the center of it for 30 seconds then look around your room.

Neat eh?

It's supposed to "emulate" the effects of LSD, but I would compare it more to Shrooms.

If anyone could emulate this program on the GP32, I would be forever happy. The only thing I can think of that would make it not work is maybe that the screen is too small.
Didn't seem to work for me.
Does it make any difference that it was dark in the room?
I stared at it for like a minute, and I put my face really near the screen so it's the only thing I could see, but it didn't do shit for me.

Well, whatever.
dark room shouldn't matter unless its to dark to see detail, maybe your looking at plain walls or something so didn't notice it, it deforms what u look at so if u are looking at something plain with no real details it may not have been very noticable, doesn't seem to last long either, looking at it for 40 seconds only had an effect for about 10 seconds at most