The Ladies Of Pandora

Why oh why, This thread should be pinned :)

In other words I couldn't agree more.

When I see some of the attitudes I see on the various forums, I hate to think what the girls might have coped!

Thank you Jacquelyn, for all your help and patience. From you're emails, I'd bet you are a really nice person.

owenshadbolt said:
Why oh why, This thread should be pinned :)

I agree :)

I have received mail from Jacquelyn at anything between 07:47 and 22:30 (assuming GMT),so:

Thank You Jacquelyn, for the always kind service and patience.
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Dr.Crow said:
I tend to be a lurker (this is only my second post), but if there was ever a reason to come out of hiding it would be to thank these two ladies.

Thank you Jacquelyn and Debbie, all of your effort and hard work is very much appreciated. :)
Me too :)
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Lovely lasses indeed!

Consider me charmed - I hope the Pandora will be as lovely to me as J+D have been in dispensing her to the world. I love you Debs!

Will you marry me Jacq?

I didn't get a chance to talk to Debbie, but Jacquelyn has been amazing more than once. Very quick replies, very nice words and the replies to my questions were even better than I expected.

I have said this before and I will say it again... Anybody can buy a product, but good customers keep buying because of good customer support, and these girls provide exactly that. I will buy Pandora II, Pandora III, whatever these guys throw at me, and mainly because I know any problems that might come up will be properly addressed.

In my opinion Jacquelyn (and Debbie too, although in my situation I talked to Jacquelyn) will be as much responsible for the success that Pandora will be as any other Dev.

Thanks, girls.
I have to agree here. I've sent quite a few mails for ordering and transferring questions, and Jacquelyn has always been helpful. Thanks!