The Influence Of Your Gp2x


Oct 4, 2005
Liverpool, UK
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Okay, I've had mine for about a week now, and in that time:

-My sister has put one on her xmas list (after playing Quake)
-My brother has extended his overdraft to get one (Quake, Metal Slug)
-One of my flatmates has ordered one (video quality)
-Another of my flatmates is "considering" ordering one (C64 games)
-A friend of mine has admitted that her PSP is more style over substance, so is selling it to get a GP2X (Metal Slug and MP3s in the same gizmo)

How great's that?
metalslug and mp3s are already on the psp ;) if that's all your friends wants..
i've been notifying folks since i've heard of it... not much buzz created, except amongst my friends who own linux. i presume it's because it's all just talk and promises until i get one and show them.
I bought a case at an electronic store and after some minutes there was a bunch of people around me who wanted to see my gp2x. Oo
Digitalrat posted on Dec 1 2005 at 03:58 PM said:
I bought a case at an electronic store and after some minutes there was a bunch of people around me who wanted to see my gp2x. Oo
They didn't rape you right??

Interesting that so many people get interested. When I first saw an post abiut it on some gadgetnews site. I was like OOooohH, and sooo cheap(except of the SD card ;(
So i was like five seconds from contacting my friend who is an gp32 freak and within one day we orderd...

To bad i have to wait for it I want it now....!!!
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NES and NeoCD emulation sold units to 2 of my coworkers, and another one anxiously wants for MAME emulation to come out. TV out feature did the finishing touch to them on making up their mind.
a friend of mine is messing around with thsdk or whatever and is going to try porting mame, he is pretty good at coding and stuff but he said its not easy to work with and he doesnt know if he will do it, or how long it will take him, he said it will tqake a while if he even gets it done
Everyone I've told thinks it's crap and is advising me to get a PSP (they also call it my 'shit on a stick' and I am unsure as to why). I'll show them when I get it though. Bwahaha. Pong all the way.

I think it's mostly because they're not technically minded and are 'I want the latest super-uber-3D-graphics rather than a fun experience'.

Although somebody I told loved the idea of playing two-player Pong, but has no money to buy one. And someone else is a Linux freak and is interested in coding for it but not getting one.
AireTamStorm posted on Dec 1 2005 at 11:06 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Dec 1 2005 at 01:40 PM said:
Bwahaha. Pong all the way.

Amen to that.
Praise the player1 paddle! Amen!
Praise the player2 paddle! Amen!
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