The Game Of The Consoles


Mar 28, 2006
Just for fun, I typed up some of the best games of the consoles, for me.

SNES: Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
N64: Mario 64
PlayStation: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
PlayStation2: Ratchet and Clank 2
XBox: Ninja Gaiden
Gameboy Advance: Advanced War (the first one)
DS: Castlevania: Down of Sorrow
PSP: still waiting

Feel free to disagree with me. :)

GameCube: Super Smash Bros. Melee
Genesis: Shining Force 2

Some of the worst games worth mentioning:
SNES: Battletoads vs Double Dragon
N64: Superman
Playstation: Bubsy 3D
Gameboy Advance: Mortal Kombat
I bet there's a topic like this somewhere but oh well

SNES: Donkey Kong Country 3
N64: Mario Kart 64
PSX: Final Fantasy Tactics
PS2: San Andreas
Xbox: Fable
GBA: Tactics Advanced
Genisis: Shining Force 1

[edit] Dreamacast: Phantasy Star Online

Some of the worst games worth mentioning:
SNES: Battletoads vs Double Dragon
N64: Superman
Playstation: Bubsy 3D
Gameboy Advance: Mortal Kombat
Battle toads vs Double dragon was a pretty good game
Some of my favs:

DS: Meteos
Gamecube: Metroid Prime
Game Boy Advance: Metroid Zero Mission
N64: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
SNES: Super Metroid
Game Boy/Game Boy Colour: Metal Gear Solid
NES: Mega Man 3

Dreamcast: Shenmue 2
Saturn: Iron Storm
Sega CD: Snatcher
Game Gear: Streets of Rage 2
Genesis: Shadowrun

Playstation 2: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Playstation: Metal Gear Solid

XBox: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

PC: Doom

There's a lot of series in that list, mostly because those particular ones consistently fail to disappoint me.
Actually this is kind of interesting. It forces you to pick 1 game above every other good game released for a console. So the list I'll write down is pretty much made the first "best" game I thought of on each console.

PSX: Tekken 3
PS2: Guitar Hero
DC: Soul Calibur
SNES: Chrono Trigger
GBA: Advance Wars
Gameboy: Tetris :)
PCE: Aero Blasters

Funny thing...
I seem to have hardest time finding a "best" for Genesis and Xbox.
Genesis because I really enjoy far to many genesis-titles to instantly pick one. It's the most emulated console on my GP32.
X-box since the games for it (that I play) are multi-platform titles anyway... I do play it a lot.

... Thank god I don't have to pick for Amiga and C64 since they are not consoles :P
I most likely couldn't.

Ravnos just helped me with the Xbox game :-)

X-box: Knights of the Old Republic

I completely forgot that was a X-box exclusive an that does stand above all other X-box games for me (multiplatform or not). Allthogh the mechanics were improved in KOTOR2, the story wasn't quite as interesting.... and the ending was messy.
Ravnos posted on Jul 2 2006 at 09:06 PM said:
Hooray for that man! The PC (while not a console) has the finest array of games.
However, I don't feel inclined to pick a single one right now (a little drunk).

From my recent gamings: Beyond Good and Evil, HL2, HL2:Ep1, HL2:Minerva, FEAR, Fahrenheit
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nes: Super mario bros 3
snes: mario allstars (with super mario world included)
psx: FF7
ps2: An honest-to-goodness tie between San Andreas and metal gear Solid 2
gamecube: Resident Evil 4
genesis: Shining force 2
n64: Ocarina of Time
ds: Dawn of Sorrow
psp: Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure 2

edit: SMS: Wonderboy in Monsterland (currently addicted)
Gamecube: Mario Kart
Game Boy Advance: Kurukuru Kururin
N64: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
SNES: Soccer Shootout
Game Boy/Game Boy Colour: Pokémon :D
NES: Mario 3

NeoGeo: Metal Slug 3
NeoGeo Pocket Color: Metal Slug: 1st Mission

Dreamcast: Hydro Thunder
Genesis: Sword of Vermillion

Playstation 2: Need for Speed: Hot Persuit 2
Playstation: Metal Gear Solid

Xbox: Outrun 2006 : Coast 2 Coast

PC: Zelda Classic (let's hope the GP2X version will be available soon!)

EDIT: TurboGrafix-16: Military Madness
C64: Impossible Mission/Breaker (May not be the best games, but definately my favorites)
NES: SMB/Duckhunt combo
N64: Tie between MK64 and LoZ:OoT.
GC: Baten Kaitos
PS1: FF7
PS2: Katamari Damacy
DC: Jet Grind Radioooooooooooo

Do Handhelds count as consoles, If so:

GBA: Golden Sun 1-2 (Same game really)
DS: Ouendan

PC: Tie between Starcraft and Duke Nukem 3D.
Here's a list with the greatest videogames of all time:

NHL 2005
NFL 2006 Pack 3
Need For Speed 9
Ridge Racer 7
Fifa 2006 World Cup Edition PLUS
Grand Theft Auto IV
Quake 5 Arena Enhanced
Doom 4
Call of Duty 6

- Alex
Alex. posted on Jul 2 2006 at 07:39 PM said:
Here's a list with the greatest videogames of all time:

NHL 2005
NFL 2006 Pack 3
Need For Speed 9
Ridge Racer 7
Fifa 2006 World Cup Edition PLUS
Grand Theft Auto IV
Quake 5 Arena Enhanced
Doom 4
Call of Duty 6

- Alex
Um... was this supposed to be a weird twisted joke?
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I guess, since he listed unreleased sequals...

My list:

NES: FF3 (had some good moments for a nes game)
GENESIS: Landstalker
N64: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
PS1: Tie between FF7 and FF8
PS2: Tie between Drakengard and FFX

GBA: Golden Sun
DS: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
NEOGEO: Metal Slug X
NGPC: The Last Blade
GB/C: Zelda: oracle of seasons/ages (same game nearly)

PC: Duke Nukem 3D
My Favorites (some are ties)

Arcade: Galaga/Ms. Pac Man
NES: River City Ransom/Guardian Legend
SuperNES: Mario Kart/ Super Bomberman
Gameboy Color: Zelda DX: Link's Awakening
Gameboy: Tetris/Dr.Mario
PS1: Mortal Kombat Trilogy
PS2: Mortal Kombat Deception
SMS: Golvelius and the Valley of Doom
MD/Genesis: Bubsy
N64: Super Smash Bros
Dreamcast: Omikron: The Nomad Soul
Atari 2600: Adventures of Tron 7800: Xevious
Colecovision: Zaxxon/Roc'n'Rope
Intellivision: Lock'n'Chase

C64: Countdown to Meltdown
Amiga: Paradroid '90
Dos (Old PC): Blood (I have "One Unit Whole Blood" pack)
Windows: Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield/ TRON 2.0/ Doom 3/ Quake 2: Evolved
VGballer posted on Jul 2 2006 at 07:47 PM said:
PS2: San Andreas

Ringo posted on Jul 2 2006 at 08:24 PM said:
PS2: Guitar Hero

Alex. posted on Jul 2 2006 at 11:39 PM said:
Here's a list with the greatest videogames of all time:

NHL 2005
NFL 2006 Pack 3
Need For Speed 9
Ridge Racer 7
Fifa 2006 World Cup Edition PLUS
Grand Theft Auto IV
Quake 5 Arena Enhanced
Doom 4
Call of Duty 6

- Alex
:lol: good joke!
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SNES: Super Mario World
N64: Smash Bros
PlayStation: FF VII
PlayStation2: No idea
XBox: The new hitman game
Gameboy Advance: no idea
DS: Mario Kart
PSP: no idea
GameCube: Donkey Konga
Genesis: Shining Force 2
LHC posted on Jul 3 2006 at 04:15 AM said:
GameCube: Donkey Konga
If you like playing with bongo drum, DK Jungle Beat is an awesome game. Especially the boss battle that totally reminds of PunchOut was the best recreation of PunchOut since PunchOut and totally satisfying.
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NES: Super Mario Bros
SNES: Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium
Genesis: Gunstar Heroes
Neo Geo: Samurai Showdown 5 Special
Neo Geo Pocket: SNK VS Capcom
TurboGrafx/PC Engine: Dracula X
Playstation: Valkyrie Profile
PS2: God of War
Dreamcast: Ikaruga
X-BOX: Halo
Saturn: Panzer Dragoon Saga

GBA: Astro Boy Omega Factor
GB: Super Mario Land 2
NeoGeo Pocket Color: BioMotor Unitron
Game Gear: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Lights Out
Lynx: Junkyard Dog
Game King: DuckMan
Dreamcast: Soul Calibur
Game Cube: Super Smash Bros. Melee
X-Box: Burnout 3
N64: F-Zero X
PS1: Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (haven't played that many)
PC Engine: Rainbow Cotton
Megadrive: Sonic the Hedgehog 3
SNES: Donkey Kong Country 3
NES: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Master System: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Mega CD: Sonic CD
32X: Knuckles Chaotix
ZX Spectrum: Gauntlet II
PC: Little Big Adventure 2
SNES = MarioKart
N64 = MarioKart64
GameCube = MarioKart Double-Dash

GameGear = Sonic series
MasterSystem - Sonic series
MegaDrive = Sonic series