The First Annual Pandora-community "Of the Year" Awards


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
Hello, and welcome to the Pandora community's first Annual "Of the Year" Awards! I am your host, Prometheus, and today I'll be introducing you to the founding inductees into our Community Hall of Fame. Whether this is a good thing or not is left as an exercise for the reader. :P

We have eight categories this year, and the winners are linked to in each entry.

Without further ado, let's get started.

First up, Post of the Year goes to Midwestern. He was only with us for a short while, but much mirth was had by all.

News of the Year was hotly-contested, but the winner here was the word from ED that Global Components was being chosen to take up the manufacturing of Pandora PCBs from now on. This seems to be continuing to go well, so this one had to be the winner.

Comeback of the Year goes to Gruso, with this nothing-short-of-epic post.

The award for Brilliant Description of the Year can only go to Sugar_Kane, with this absolute masterpiece about Blackpool. There is no doubt in my mind that every single person who laid eyes on it laughed out loud.

Game-buyer of the Year goes to Phelsumania for his generousity in helping the ever-patient Jourdy288 to get together the money for a Pandora of his very own. Props to you, man!

MarioPandio wins the award for Most Hilarious Response to Jingoism of the Year with this brilliant South Park parody.

Keyboard Layout of the Year goes to Binky. Take a look and you'll see how self-explanatory it is.

Awesome Question Post of the Year goes to shinifish for politely asking something that has previously mostly only been "asked" by oddball people that were just trying to stir up trouble.

Congratulations to all! Or commiserations, as the case may be. :P
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I vote for hakmanplayer as the best "Best at Deception" and also "Most banned member". :P


Seriously though, this is a good idea. We should get make some official award categories?

Good luck all! :)
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Seriously though, this is a good idea. We should get make some official award categories?
For next year, definitely!

For now, this was just a bit of year-end silliness that was inspired by some posts that were amusing for one reason or another, just in case anyone is wondering why the categories are so ridiculous. :P
I suggest the winning posts should get the following badge:


This One Does Not Count!
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Maybe authors could add these to the winning posts (unless mods object).

In FF, right-click on the thumbnail above, select view image, then copy the text from the address bar and insert it ito your post as an image.
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No reward for triggering the best post of the year?
It seems like we should have a "Trolliest Troll of the Year" award in there too... Although that might be considered feeding the trolls. :D
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