The Dreamcast Vmu


Aug 18, 2003
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So I recently got hold of a Dreamcast - Great system (allthough I haven't tried emulation on it yet).

I find the VMU rather cool, since it displays health and other stuff. Well, I pulled out the VMU of the controller today and saw it had it's own gamepad!!!
You might find it funny, but I wasn't aware of this :-)

What games (if any) contains mini-games for the VMU? The Dreamcast I bought came with some games, so I might be lucky ;-)

Also - I can't figure out how you turn the VMU on, when it's not attached to the DC-controller... But I guess it could be out of batteries.
Ive got 3 VMU's, no games for them, but that was the neatest thing for gaming since a bit I think
info on a screen on the controller
to bad I have to sell my Dreamcast, need money for more comp parts, stuff to make chatboards, and a PSP
but, I think there was a sonic game and a few small demos
not sure bout more

The coolest vmu game i've ever played for the dreamcast was for the game skies of arcadia. You would just pop the vmu out whenever you have to go somewhere, and then you would have this really cool little flying ship game where you would gain money and items, which get transfered back to the game when you plug it back in.
I think you could take care of Chao on it in the Sonic games.. never tried though. I found the batteries die pretty fast in those things (and they're expensive batteries).

Oh, and you can download some homebrew VMU games with the web browser and searching google.
There are some homebrew games for the VMU out there. Nothing Sega or any 3rd party put together was very good, mainly thanks to the limited battery life of the unit when the screen was used outside of the console.

Some 3rd party screenless memory cards came with serial/USB cables for PC connectivity. You can get these used for only around 10 bucks now, download the software to the unit, and copy the software via the Dreamcast memory manager.

Sega eventually killed off the screened VMU, replacing it with a 4 page model with no screen or controls. The original VMU holds very little useful data, and although a neat little gagdet, was too pricey (at 40 bucks) to really make memory card gaming commonplace.

Side note - If your VMU squeals when you turn on the DC's power, the internal batteries are dead. Each VMU requires 2 CR2032 model batteries or equivelent. After you replace them once or twice, you probably won't do it's just not worth the expense, but since the save data is all flash ram, you don't need to worry about losing game data when the batteries die.
Virto posted on Oct 29 2004 at 04:14 AM said:
Side note - If your VMU squeals when you turn on the DC's power, the internal batteries are dead. Each VMU requires 2 CR2032 model batteries or equivelent. After you replace them once or twice, you probably won't do it's just not worth the expense, but since the save data is all flash ram, you don't need to worry about losing game data when the batteries die.

I just thought it was the Dreamcast that said that sound when starting up :-)

Anyway... I have Power Stone 2 in the collection, so I might just give that a go... I'll need new batteries though
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Ringo posted on Oct 29 2004 at 06:09 AM said:
Virto posted on Oct 29 2004 at 04:14 AM said:
Side note - If your VMU squeals when you turn on the DC's power, the internal batteries are dead.  Each VMU requires 2 CR2032 model batteries or equivelent.  After you replace them once or twice, you probably won't do it's just not worth the expense, but since the save data is all flash ram, you don't need to worry about losing game data when the batteries die.

I just thought it was the Dreamcast that said that sound when starting up :-)

Anyway... I have Power Stone 2 in the collection, so I might just give that a go... I'll need new batteries though
go to a pharmacy and get the hearing aid 2032's.
they are cheaper (at least around here)
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wehee... i bought one, too from a weird guy.
it's PAL, it's clean. but got a shitty taiwanese memory card. no display no buttons just 1 meg.

i really wanted the DC since when i saw its ad where its logo was like a typhoon cloud approaching to the u.s. satellitey imagey.

ummm..yes a question. the logo on it is blue. not red. this means what. (the box is also blue)
I got one. Its cute. I installed a top down shoot-em-up once, and a tetris game. Quite a few other little games as well. It was a while back though so I don't know if you can get many of them any more.