The Cure For Random Video Freezes! Finally!


Still Fresh
Feb 18, 2004
hey guys, i think i have found the cure for video playback freezing.

if any of you like me, whenever you are playing a video with either divx or xvid or and ogm or what have you with ur gp2x, ever had it just freeze out of nowhere? and you have to turn the gp2x off to get it back to normal? and it doesnt matter what type of sd card you use or external drive or use with batteries or psu, well, heres my story and how i got it to work.

All this is starting with a gp2x MK2 purchased from with firmware 2.1.1 loaded on b4 i got it in my hands from them.

i was trying to use a program here on gp32x called to possilby switch my video player to an older one that came in the zip file, since my videos were freezing like i described above. when i installed it, my video player would not work. so i tired to restore it, and well, it still would not work.

in my haste, i thought id upgrade my firmware to 3.0 in hoping i would be able to restore everything and get my video player to work again. i used one of the firmware files from here i cant remember which 3.0 package, theres a few, it started upgrading no prob, but it hung at the part that said "now patching please wait" it hung for an hour, so i thought it was done, so stupid me, i turned it off. it loaded back up ok, but it would not go past the green screen.

i thought i bricked it for sure!!!!

but what i did was since i could still see the boot screen, i took the firmware package for 2.0.0 and put it on my freshly formatted 2gb sd card, and turned it on while holding down start and select. the firmware started loading itself in and didnt take too long. and thank god it loaded everything back. well, to 2.0 that is.

so, i did the same for the other patches. for 2.1.0, and for 2.1.1. loaded them onto the sd card, and started the gp2x with start and select held down. it all installed just fine and happy to see it back, and i tried watching a few videos i had, i tried all types and let them play all by themselves, divx files, xvid, and a few ogms. all played flawlessly. no freezing!!!!! i even rapidly paused them, fast forward and rewinded them, switched from video to video fast, and no problems at all. i left it playing for 2 days without me touching the system and it played them all no prob!!!

but the menu wasnt up to date, when i checked the info on my gp2x, it still said i only had firmware 2.0.0 on but the green screen when loading up said i had 2.1.1, so i loaded the 2.1.1 firmware patch through the gp being on and used the exe file there, and it loaded on ok, but it did update my menu. without doing that, i didnt have the contrast and brightness levels to adjust for video. and a few other options were not available.

one thing i learned doing this is, seems you have to update your firmware 2 ways. well, the best way to get it from fucking up on you so much is to do it this way. firstly, install the firmware with ur gp being off and then hold start and select and upgrade that day.

when that is finished, turn your gp on again, let it load normally first, then launch it again. seems that is the way to have non faulty firmware. worked for me and not my gp2x NEVER ever and i am not kidding, ever freezes.

if you have the same dilemma as i did with video freezing, try and redo the firmware. it WILL help.
Samba Pa Ti said:
once the firmware is flashed you have to run the updater in the utilitys menu for it to make the version number change.

yeah, i found that out. i wonder why gamepark holdings or anyone really tell someone that? i had to screw up to learn that.

but thank goodness i did. lol
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seems like the 2.0.0 mplayer is more stable (wasnt there a script to install it on any FW ?)
bacteria said:
Goodness, is this the level of English these days? It's not even American English!! Me no finks it col or gret 4 da Enlisk, da'ya knows like what i means, mon? (dispairs)...
... wow, what's your fucking problem?
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TelcoLou said:
bacteria said:
Goodness, is this the level of English these days? It's not even American English!! Me no finks it col or gret 4 da Enlisk, da'ya knows like what i means, mon? (dispairs)...
... wow, what's your fucking problem?

I sympathise with his frustration. Some people, while still intelligible, write so sloppily that it's something of a pain to read. Personally, I find it both disrespectful (if only towards the language itself) and reprehensible, but I've found that it's something I'll just have to endure, as the practice is much too widespread to reverse at this point.

Could've been delivered somewhat less condescendingly, though, which I hope is also the point you're trying to make.

Typo. Well, at least I care! :P
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gnyffel said:
TelcoLou said:
bacteria said:
Goodness, is this the level of English these days? It's not even American English!! Me no finks it col or gret 4 da Enlisk, da'ya knows like what i means, mon? (dispairs)...
... wow, what's your fucking problem?

I sympathise with his frustration. Some people, while still intelligible, write so sloppily that it's something of a pain to read. Personally, I find it both disrespectful (if only towards the language itself) and reprehensible, but I've found that it's something I'll just have to endure, as the practice is much to widespread to reverse at this point.

Could've been delivered somewhat less condescendingly, though, which I hope is also the point you're trying to make.

... right, I just didn't see the reason for the comment, as I've seen FAR worse examples of the butchering of the English languages; ones that I myself have felt the urgent need to remark on.
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TelcoLou said:
gnyffel said:
TelcoLou said:
bacteria said:
Goodness, is this the level of English these days? It's not even American English!! Me no finks it col or gret 4 da Enlisk, da'ya knows like what i means, mon? (dispairs)...
... wow, what's your fucking problem?

I sympathise with his frustration. Some people, while still intelligible, write so sloppily that it's something of a pain to read. Personally, I find it both disrespectful (if only towards the language itself) and reprehensible, but I've found that it's something I'll just have to endure, as the practice is much to widespread to reverse at this point.

Could've been delivered somewhat less condescendingly, though, which I hope is also the point you're trying to make.

... right, I just didn't see the reason for the comment, as I've seen FAR worse examples of the butchering of the English languages; ones that I myself have felt the urgent need to remark on.

meh, whatever. some people just like to bitch. :ph34r:

so, just out of curiosity,

how is firmware 3.0 with video? any playback problem with that? I am still curious about upgrading past 2.1.1
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TelcoLou said:
gnyffel said:
TelcoLou said:
bacteria said:
Goodness, is this the level of English these days? It's not even American English!! Me no finks it col or gret 4 da Enlisk, da'ya knows like what i means, mon? (dispairs)...
... wow, what's your fucking problem?

I sympathise with his frustration. Some people, while still intelligible, write so sloppily that it's something of a pain to read. Personally, I find it both disrespectful (if only towards the language itself) and reprehensible, but I've found that it's something I'll just have to endure, as the practice is much to widespread to reverse at this point.

Could've been delivered somewhat less condescendingly, though, which I hope is also the point you're trying to make.

... right, I just didn't see the reason for the comment, as I've seen FAR worse examples of the butchering of the English languages; ones that I myself have felt the urgent need to remark on.

Well, he may have used a lot of text message shortcuts, like "ur" and "b4", but hey... he used punctuation! And lots of it. Two thumbs up!
(not intended as sarcasm, meant as a compliment)
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reaper79 said:
TelcoLou said:
gnyffel said:
TelcoLou said:
bacteria said:
Goodness, is this the level of English these days? It's not even American English!! Me no finks it col or gret 4 da Enlisk, da'ya knows like what i means, mon? (dispairs)...
... wow, what's your fucking problem?

I sympathise with his frustration. Some people, while still intelligible, write so sloppily that it's something of a pain to read. Personally, I find it both disrespectful (if only towards the language itself) and reprehensible, but I've found that it's something I'll just have to endure, as the practice is much to widespread to reverse at this point.

Could've been delivered somewhat less condescendingly, though, which I hope is also the point you're trying to make.

... right, I just didn't see the reason for the comment, as I've seen FAR worse examples of the butchering of the English languages; ones that I myself have felt the urgent need to remark on.

Well, he may have used a lot of text message shortcuts, like "ur" and "b4", but hey... he used punctuation! And lots of it. Two thumbs up!

And paragrpahs too! :D
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I get it. i don't correct my spelling or punctuation. lol at least my point got across.

well, back on topic, anyone else have trouble with OGM's?

I am not able to fast forward or rewind them.

is it just me?
If it's any consolation, I think you're much better than some people on this forum. At least everything was well spelt.

Dunno about 3.0, but I have problems fairly frequently with 2.0.

you know what? i have noticed that you have different problems every time you flash your firmware.

something else will work, something will not, its really weird.

is that a flaw with gamepark's firmware or programming or the hardware? just weird.