The best games on GP32?


Still Fresh
Oct 24, 2003
I use Castaway, doom and some of the freeware GP32 games, but I was put off the SNES emulator by negative vibes from other message threads. But I just started using it and it's not that bad. Exactly how much can my box of tricks do? What's the best thing on the GP32?
I played a little with the snes emu but i thought it was just about playable with some games... but Castaway on the other hand is really great! The GUI is very good! Just started to play Oil Imperium on it and it works just great! Never had a Atari, I'm a Amiga fan (still am) but many games was ported from the Amiga to the ST and vice versa so I can find many good and great games... sooo fun!
I hope the emu coders soon add a Ericsson chatbord input option then castaway and other computer emus (C64 and so on) would be awesome! There are a lot of good applications on the ST that would be fun to use...
Anyway best game so far Rick Dangerous, Castaway->Oil Imperium... so fun...

Download Pinball Dreams! And it was better then the original Amiga Pinball Dreams!!! better graphics and it's perfectly suited for the GP32! It looks like Pinball Fantasy AGA version almost... Gameplay is GREAT!!! This is the best game so far for me anyway!
No way man, the Snes emulator isn't bad at all! It's not going to give you a faithful representation like, say, a Snes emu on the PC, but there's still lots of games that play really well on it. (I'll always be the first to say "it's not perfect or close to it" but there's no denying that there's tons of fun to be had). If you don't mind overclocking (eats up more batteries, if you can actually do it) then you can get some good results. There's tons of games being promoted around the archives of this forum, do some searching - real quick, here's what i enjoy:
Tetris Attack, QBert 3, Simcity, Rtype 3, On The Ball, Super Punchout, Rampart, Front Mission (with Translation Patch). Someone is translating Super Famicom Wars as well (descendant of Advance Wars) so I bet that will play really well when it gets finished up too (it'll be a few months yet..)

you're missing out ton a lot of fun arcade-style games if you've not got into GPengine yet, there's lots of 16-bit-looking games that run fullspeed on there.. you got Rtype, vigilante, legendary axe, galaga 88, Volfied, Gomola Speed, Devil's Crush, Klax, Military Madness, Mr heli, Shinobi.

Coleco Emulator has tons of early 80s game ports, the system is old but lots of gems in there too - much better gfx than the 2600 and intellivision ports of the time (still, I am holding out for Mame to satisfy that urge, but this is a nice substitute for the meantime)
Pinball dreams, Little wizard, Doom, Gravity force, XRick..

On the emulator side; Little john, fGB, Frodo and ScummVM
I love the GB emulation, but with FGB32 sometimes my saves dissapear and my save states dont stay, whereas with FSMS its that just me?
nope not just you, thats happened to me with sonic on fsms.

best emus

snes=snes9xgp(clocked at 166mhz)
and of course castaway

rott (never played this until the gp port, great game)

gravity force
SNES emulation is good, but it's sub-par really. I usually talk it down because, well...I've been around in emulation IRC channels a lot, and I just know how much people can whine about stuff like that I guess. I can picture one of these people who thought Donkey Kong Country was the first Donkey Kong game coming along, seeing GP32 runs SNES games, and immediately buying one, finding it's not perfect, then they blame us for it rather than wait for the emulation to get better. It can improve, it probably will. For now it's satisfactory and for what it does, I think it's damn good. If you buy a GP32, IMO SNES emulation is a bonus, not a feature. NES emulation, on the other hand, is very well done and I -would- consider that a feature (unless if you don't consider homebrew software a feature :P)

Oh, and while the subject's brought up, there's B&W GB versions of Advance Wars too...I think there's two. I think they're called Gameboy Wars (obviously). At least one of them has been translated. Might be worth looking at if that's what you're after...

I dunno what emulators do it, but some emulators wipe saves if you don't go to the load screen or menu or whatever before you switch off. Go to it once or something and see if it still does it. Honestly, I don't use my GP32 as much as I used to now I have a powerful laptop, so I don't remember emulator names as well as I used to :) (but I still always have time for FrodoGP32 or PlusIV!)
What is Castaway?

I have been a gamer for many years yet i have never heard of it.

Can i download it from gp32x?
CaSTaway is an Atari ST emulator ( Yes, you'll find it here, although you'd do better to get it from the homepage.

Basically, along with GPEngine, it's out only 16 bit system emulated fully so far. And it can save where GPE can't. And has waaaaay more strategy/RPGs.
Not quite fully emulated... :(
Game are pretty 100% playable .. but sounds leaves a little to be desired ..

One of the first things i did when i when i got my gp32 was load castaway along with xenon 2 and other bitmap brothers games to listen to some of the cracking music that went with them "its a mega blast!" or the betty boo remix in magic pockets....but a bit disappointed when the samples out came all messed up abd crackly :P ... heh remeber cranking my stereo up to them in my teens ;) Bitmaps ruled when it came to sound trax :D

But still kudos to the programmer for allowing us to play some of those little gems from 16bit computing era B) and they are totally playable :)

pocket speedball anyone ;)

by the way anyone know why samples come out all crackly?