That Game...


Jan 13, 2006
My mother had an accident the last weekend and broke her leg really bad.
She wont be coming home in quite some time I guess and she already said that she's really bored in the hospital: Crappy TV and she's sharing the room with an old granny who can't speak or hear.
So i thought I'd borrow her my gp2x, but the only game she ever got into was some game about lava.. I don't really remember the name (something like lavacup?) or what system it ran on. :unsure:
There was a volcano and you had to lay down some pipes to direct the lava flow into a hole or something, it also had some tetris like elements.
Now my question: Does this game exist on any of the emulated systems of the gp2x, or maybe even a homebrew game like it?
And what other games would be good for a non-gamer like her?

Thanks in advance
Is it Pipe Dream/Pipe Mania, or a variation/clone thereof? I'd be surprised if there wasn't a MAME version... Oh, and I hope she gets better fast. :)

More info on Wikipedia.
God, I had a version of that on Windows 3.1 and I haven't found the same one or one that I liked as much since..
According to the wiki, it appeared on the following GP2X-able systems:

Acorn Archimedes
Amstrad CPC
Apple II
Atari ST
Commodore 64
Game Boy
ZX Spectrum
BBC Micro

So take yer pick.
MS-DOS isn't so GP2X-able. Sure, it's POSSIBLE, but so is Win95 using Bochs, but if I recall correctly, DosBox isn't too compatible yet.
hahaha... she might like games like tetris or columns. Something leaned back with a little logic thinking but simple to learn. Also put that new homebrew sokoban game on there! That thing can entertain for hours and is really relaxing (well, IMHO).
Man, I loved Pipe Dreams on Windows 3.1... I actually had it in the Verbatim Games Pack that came on 5-1/4" floppy disk, which when you think about it is a bit odd for the Windows 3.1 era (as the Windows installation disks themsleves were now on 3-1/2"), but that is what it was on.