THANKS Makenai for Jap-Eng dict.


Feb 16, 2003
There is a Japanese to English, and vice-versa dictionary for the GP32 developed by Makenai. It is soo cool, especially since I live in Japan. Thanks Makenai!!!!
Actually I live in Okinawa, Japan, an island way south of main Japan, but still owned by the Japanese. I love it here but I go to the US in two weeks!!!!
BTW Hando, thanks so much for this site. It is the best GP32 forum!!
Yes a big thank you to Makenai, the PS2 game we are doing at the moment has a lot of Kanji. And I didn't have a clue where to start...until now!
You're all most welcome!

Yes a big thank you to Makenai, the PS2 game we are doing at the moment has a lot of Kanji. And I didn't have a clue where to start...until now!

khephren, I'm not sure how useful it is for kanji right now, since you would need to know either the pronunciation or the english meaning to find what you are looking for. In a not too distant future version, you will be able to look up unknown kanji via stroke count, radical (maybe), and my favortite, SKIP codes.
Makenai, I found a bug. I e-mailed you but I want others to know too. The Japanese symbol "n" which makes an "unnnnn" sound, doesn't work inside a japanese word. When you input romaji to get an english definition for the japanese word in romaji, you can't put "n" in the word. It just stops. Anyone else get it? Its hard to explain.
Makenai, I found a bug. I e-mailed you but I want others to know too. The Japanese symbol "n" which makes an "unnnnn" sound, doesn't work inside a japanese word.

I replied to the mail, but will answer here too just in case. You have to input the N twice to get the kana for N. This keeps words like KO.N.YA from getting mixed up with KO.NYA (NI with a small YA to form a [.. argh not diphthong.. don't remember the term]). So, to enter RENSHUU you need to actually type R-E-N-N-S-H-U-U.

Technically it should autoconvert for some cases, but I hadn't gotten around to writing those rules in yet. Also, some of the other romanizations might not be as intuitive as Microsoft's IME for example (just yet.. working on it) but you should be able to make any valid Japanese construction by refering to the chart at
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wow, very cool tool shame it doesn't do kanji though...I wanted to read the unscanslated issues of shaman king manga :)