Tetris light [and other game related ornament/furnishing]


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
So was my birthday other day, just got round to opening the present, think you would all like this, how can anyone not like a fully functional Tetris light?

Really good, in dark looks even better, fully stackable how you want pretty much.

You only plug in the blue straight and all other Tetrimino just 'magically' come to light when you start connecting them, thanks to the metal rim of each block.

Check this advert of them, I'm impressed :)


That was all, just showing it off and in case anyone hadn't seen them, as I hadn't, and fancied getting.

Can continue thread with other game related homewears..?
Cheers mate.

You got to get one when you on the look out for a desktop lamp, perhaps not the brightest light shone from them as a standard lamp bulb but it is very satisfying placing the blocks upon another and seeing it light. ...and it's Tetris :)

Treated myself to a new tee from artist Adam Rufino too, nice NES print on it

Yeah nice, liking the light there

...and your wall art Strigoi

I've an old ripped out k/board mat hooked on a nail in the wall which I like to give a random tap on now and then as I enter the room, like the idea of entire consoles though.

I've empty shells of a PS1 and Megadrive, now I'm thinking of painting them plain white to match wall and hang them up with nice bright red string.. You've inspired me
So was my birthday other day, just got round to opening the present, think you would all like this, how can anyone not like a fully functional Tetris light?

Really good, in dark looks even better, fully stackable how you want pretty much.

You only plug in the blue straight and all other Tetrimino just 'magically' come to light when you start connecting them, thanks to the metal rim of each block.

Check this advert of them, I'm impressed :)


I've been dropping some massively unsubtle hints amongst my family/friends for some of these for quite a while now.
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