Thanks Dave18.
Just tried out your Spectrum emulator. I am pretty impressed, A very good first release (for GP32). Played a few games I have tried so far. Starquake, Commando and Sabrewulf. Speed looked about right, even with sound on, which as you said is not 100% yet, but the sound aint what we bought our Speccys for is it
I have not tried the shoot 'em up yet, but I will later.
Just one thing really, people may not have windups (or similar) and so they may not think to use the windups file explorer (my gp32) to browse to the ZXGP32.gxb file, to launch the proggie, I do not know myself but someone out there may be able to help you create the proggie as an fxe or fpk, maybe even incorporating the roms
Also peeps, (this got me for a while) choose the kempston option on games (left shoulder button to select keyboard and use that to select options, the joystick did not seem to work until it was in Kempstom mode, it may be better to default to cursor keys as most game if I remember correctly use this as default for menus etc)
No way are these comments meant as a criticism, on the contrary, this is excellent, for a start other speccy emu's on offer only offer SNA files, you offer SNA, Z80 and TAPS, (just TZX to go

When I bought my GP32 about 4/6 weeks ago now, I would have been satisfied with the goods on offer at the time, but since then, we have c64, speccy 128 (Note - I have not tried a true 128kb game yet) Xcade - my fave arcade memory - Galaxians, MSX, and a number of homebrew GP32 titles, and probably a whole host of other things that I forget about, and seemingly many more around the corner. Almost every week now someone who's been secretly developing away, announces their product, and it simply adds to the wow factor of this little machine, it's an exciting time and long may it continue, I am proud to be part of this community and hope that it continues to grow.
I suppose I should shut up now