Test a game!


Nov 4, 2004
Hi guys!

My girlfriend is doing a university project with her group and they want to get their game tested.

It would be super awesome if you guys / girls would give it a try. The group is very low on participants so all feedback is appreciated.

Link to the game:


Would also be nice if you could pass it along to friends and family

Game description:

The Game is a 3D Sidescrolling puzzle game, that gets incremently harder. As the game progresses. - The game is still in an early stage and it is fairly important that you A. Finish the game or B. Exit the game using the exit button in the top right corner so the test results can be preserved.

I cannot divulge too much more information as it will currupt the results of the test

Note: Unfortunately the player required for the browser-based game is not supported on linux :(
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Note: Unfortunately the player required for the browser-based game is not supported on linux :(
I can confirm, doesn't work. And... Unity Web Player has nothing to do with Ubuntu's Unity :)

View attachment 7732

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I seem to have got frozen on one of the questionnairs after doing a few of the levels.

Might be this unity plugin..?

Was good though, once got onto level with fire and the guns.

I like that when holding [A] and then holding [D] she does a nice little moonwalk move :)

looks like I have to bomb out this now as frozen my browser [posting this from phone]

which is shame as I did detail comments on previous levels so that probably wouldn't get submitted now.

I will play again tomorrow though and hopefully get further