well the internet is one step closer...
I have an ethernet to serial box working, I have spoken to my GP32 via Darkfader's GPterm, and I have a hacked Palm Pilot serial keyboard. Together they mean CLI mail and Telnet/tty sessions.
The mobile phone data/serial cable is marked SAM (?) A200/A288. I had to rewire it to suit GP32. I am not using CTS/RTS hardware handshaking.
There are four wires in this unit.
**Red and Black power up the RS232 circuit inside the DB9 socket, so connect them to the power from the GP32
**White is RS232 to GP32 data
**Blue is GP32 to RS232 data
WARNING, If I got it wrong and you blow up your GP32, I'm sorry, but this is a hack, not advice, it may all be just a good story.
Current Blockers
Me - I'm old and slow, and HATE C programming!
GPterm is not 9600 bps, but that's easy to fix
GPterm uses about 2pt font size, tiny tiny letters, also easy to fix (?)
Total cost so far, about AU$120
Why am I doing this? for the same reason that I bought a Newton, or two, or three, seemed like a good idea at the time.